  • 學位論文


A study on the determination of court-assessed security for injunctions

指導教授 : 林世銘


專利定暫時狀態處分制度設計之法律目的,原係為有定暫時狀態之必要或避免日後無可彌補之損害,而給予專利權人或被疑侵害人保持現狀,防止損害繼續之救濟機會。然就發展趨勢觀察,此等暫時性保全程序之運用已非單純訴訟目的,更有商業競爭之考量,成為權利人以訴訟遂行威脅最有效之合法工具。 我國專利定暫時狀態處分,法院通常會命供一定金額之擔保後方予准許,或於一定條件下,准許相對人提供反擔保撤銷定暫時狀態處分。然司法實務尚無一套衡量計算擔保金之標準,法院究應酌定多少數額之擔保金、反擔保金始為適當,往往為法院與當事人最棘手之部分,致此類案件最常發生爭議者,即在於擔保金數額足夠與否。 會計有云:「能衡量才能管理」,本研究歸納法院裁定時曾經使用過之納稅數據資料類型或公開發行公司之公開財務會計資料類型,各種曾經使用之計算方法等,配合會計理論與現行企業實務,提出本文對於未來法院裁定擔保金之計算方法的建議(包括裁定擔保金之步驟流程與各種可選用計算公式之說明),盼能作為未來法院裁定擔保金之參考,並可作為爭訟當事人評估擔保金之依據,以杜隨意興訟,建立客觀公平之環境,促進產業之發展。


The purpose of injunction is to let patentees and the accused infringers be able to legally secure the opponents’ properties in advance and to avoid irreparable harms on their intellectual properties or business operations. Today, patentees not only apply injunction as a tool for lawsuits, but also as a legitimate tool to make threats on their opponents in the business competition. Courts in Taiwan often require a certain amount of court-assessed security before an injunction is permitted and allow the accused infringers’ to provide court-assessed countersecurity for revocation of the ruling for the injunction. However, due to lacking a system to fairly determine the amount of court-assessed security and countersecurity, contradictions occur frequently. “What gets measured gets managed.” This research investigates tax data and standards that have been applied by the courts and financial data available in the public stock market to develop a better measuring method. Methods that were developed previously in literature and theories and practices of accounting that were associated with court-assessed security are also reviewed and criticized. This research also develops a flowchart to illustrate the application of the measuring method. The contribution of this research on determining court-assessed security and countersecurity is to recommend a justified reference for courts to set court-assessed security and countersecurity, and for both patentees and accused infringers to assess their lawsuits beforehand.


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