  • 學位論文


A Case Study on The International Growth Strategy of A Taiwanese Engineering and Construction Company

指導教授 : 李吉仁


鑒於全球煉油石化產業近年來的大幅投資,加上油價與原物料的飆漲,以及專案管理及設計人力不足造成薪資飆漲,使得煉油石化廠的投資者幾乎無法掌握成本與工期預算。面對這樣的產業發展機會,國際煉油石化工程領導廠商試圖透過高度整合強化其國際競爭力。對於國際化經營能力不強的台灣工程公司而言,這不僅是極佳的成長機會,也是廠商能耐的挑戰。 本研究擬以個案研究方式,透過產業結構分析、能耐與策略基架、價值基礎策略等理論的導引,針對一家來自新興經濟體的工程公司,討論其如何能夠透過能耐基礎架構,發展在區域與國際工程市場的競爭力與永續成長的動力。 本研究認為總價承包仍係未來在國際工程市場上的主流營運模式,而總價承包的統包能耐是建構在專案管理能力、專案控制能力、設計技術能力、採購技術能力、建造技術能力、試車技術能力、資訊應用能力、供應鏈管理能力、業務管理能力、財務管理能力、人資管理能力、風險管理能力、和精緻工程能力等核心專長上。因此,台灣工程公司必需以能耐建構與延伸為經營基礎,在短期策略上,改善技能與流程迎頭趕上主導廠商的能耐,在長期策略上,應在策略基架上建構創新思維,轉化為技術與流程,以建立長期的核心競爭優勢。 本研究也認為中東市場是國際煉油石化工程廠商的兵家必爭之地,國內的工程公司如何能夠轉化國際最佳實務成為建構己身經營模式的參考,並持續創新成長所需的核心專長,應是國際化最重要的課題。本研究所提出的個案公司經驗,不僅對於能耐基礎成長與策略基架觀念,證實其實務可應用性,對於台灣工程產業的國際化成長,應該是一個值得採用的經營建議。


THESIS ABSTRACT GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Name : Lin, Jiung-Hwa Month / Year : July, 2007 Advisor: Dr. Lee, Ji-Ren A Case Study on the International Growth Strategy of a Taiwanese Engineering and Construction Company Along with the world’s mounting investment in the oil refinery and petrochemical industries, the rising oil and raw material prices, salary increase due to project management and engineering manpower shortage, the investors are almost clueless as to what to expect for the overall project cost and schedule. Under such circumstances, the global leading engineering and construction firms have already determined to strengthen their international competitiveness with maximum vertical integration. On the other hand, this presents a great opportunity for less experienced Taiwanese engineering and construction company to grow and to challenge its competence. Through the industry’s structure analysis, competence and strategic infrastructure, value-based strategy, the study focuses on an individual engineering and construction company from the emerging economies. It discusses how, through the above study, for a company to develop its competitiveness and sustainable growth motivation in both regional and global markets. Lump Sum Turn Key service is the core product of an engineering and construction company. In order to provide such service, it requires a number of core competences such as project management, project control, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning, information technology application, supply chain management, sales management, finance management, human resource management, risk management, and exquisite work. Essentially, the Taiwanese engineering and construction companies should focus on enhancement of its core competences after studying the strategic positioning and competitive advantages analysis. As for the short-term strategy, the company should improve its skills and modify its working flows to align with the global leading companies. As for the long-term strategy, the company should innovate on its fundamental concepts, skills and working flows to develop its unique competitive advantages. This research emphasizes the potentiality of the Middle East market for Taiwanese companies’ international growth. The present case study may provide a typical reference for implementing competence-based growth strategy with implications on the usefulness of both core competence concept and strategic architecture framework.


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