  • 學位論文


Micellization Behavior of Star-Block Copolymer in Solution:A Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation Approach

指導教授 : 諶玉真


在本論文中,我們利用耗散粒子動力學法( DPD )來探討段鏈星狀共聚化合物在溶液中的型態。研究主要分成三部分,在第一部份中,系統裡包含了水和common good solvent兩種溶劑,藉由改變水和good solvent的混合比例,來研究diblockarm star copolymer( BmAn )在混合溶劑中的型態變化,其中A為親水鏈段,B為疏水鏈段。在單顆星狀高分子的系統中,我們發現隨著水含量的增加會造成單顆星狀高分子的疏水段內縮,疏水段的Rg隨水的含量增加而逐漸變小,並無預期中之突然相態變化;另外我們亦改變親水鏈段長度,研究結果顯示在單顆星狀高分子中親水鏈段的長度並不會對疏水段所形成的微胞核心大小造成影響。在多顆星狀高分子溶液系統的模擬中,我們逐漸增加水在溶劑中所佔的比例,發現在混合溶劑中存在著一個最低水含量,當水含量低於最低水含量時分子傾向於單顆存在而不喜歡聚集,一旦水含量高於最低水含量,分子會開始產生聚集,而當水含量到達某一極限後,aggregation number會達到最大值,我們的模擬結果似乎顯示這兩個值在同一種混合溶劑是為定值,並不會受星狀高分子的手臂數目所影響;這將會使得我們在預測星狀高分子於混合溶劑中的聚合行為上方便許多。隨著水在溶劑中所佔的比例越來越高,B鏈段會被壓縮而使Rg越來越小,但是與單顆分子溶液不同的地方在於Rg並非線性遞減,而大約是以最低含水量為一個分界點而分成兩個階段來遞減。 在第二部分中,主要探討高分子組成對於聚合物型態的影響。我們發現在同一體積分率下,手臂數越少或疏水鏈段越長的高分子傾向多顆聚集以減少疏水鏈段與水的接觸面積,反之手臂數越多或親水鏈段越長者,自身保護的能力就很好,常形成單一分子的微胞;而且同一體積分率下,只要親水、疏水鏈段長度比例一樣,微胞內所包含的總手臂數就會相同,所以疏水鏈段的迴旋半徑會隨著手臂長的增加而變大;這與Kwang Hee Kim等人在2004年所提出的理論是一致的,不過當分子濃度太稀時,由於分子顆數太少造成驅動力不夠,系統會產生偏差。若是固定手臂數,則可以看到分子體積分率越大者aggregation number也越大,這是因為體積分率大的時候,分子與分子間的碰撞機會增加,所以容易產生聚集的現象。 最後一部分所要討論的則為triblockarm star copolymer的型態變化,結論是在三段鏈星狀高分子中,親水鏈段的排列位置會決定高分子聚合後形成的結構。


In this work, the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is employed to investigate the micellar morphologies formed by blockarm star copolymers. The work can be divided into three parts. The first is the study of a single diblock star copolymer (BmAn) in the mixed solvents which consists of common good solvent and water, selective solvent of A. Initially, the star expands freely in the common solvent, and then the solvophobic B-blocks start to shrink as water is added into the system. However, no sudden collapse of the solvophobic B-core is observed. The radius of gyration of the B-core decreases continuously as the water content (xw) increases. We have also found that for the single star copolymer solution, changes of the length of the solvophilic A-blocks have no effect on the size of the solvophobic core. For a system of multiple diblockarm star copolymers in the mixed solvents, there exist a minimum water content (xw,min) as well as a maximum water content (xw,max). When below minimum water content, stars tend to disperse freely within the solution and stars start to form micelles for xw>xw,min. The aggregation number of the micelle increases as water content increases and reaches a limiting value for xw>xw,max. Our simulation results indicate that the number of arms on a star seem to have no effect on xw,min and xw,max. Second part of the work deals with the effect of the structures of the diblock star copolymers on the micellar morphologies in purely selective solvent. For the same polymeric volume fraction (


star copolymer DPD block copolymer micelle


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