  • 學位論文


Video Image Noise Analysis and Measurement Methods

指導教授 : 傅楸善


在一般視訊的雜訊量測,是採用擷取一張影像來代表這段影像。可是這並不是個十分合理的現象,因為每一秒就包含了30張的影像。而量測一連串的影像雜訊,更是必需要考慮同一像素的時間關聯性。基於一般影像的雜訊量測使用噪訊比,我們提出的方法是一個有考慮到時間的噪訊比量測方法。 在很多雜訊處理的演算法都有很多取捨,我們更需要一個好的測量的基準。因此這篇論文提出了一些雜訊的量測方法並提供了一種新的測量方式。


When we need to analyze video images, we sometimes capture one still image. But the video is 30 FPS (Frame per Second). But using only one static image to represent this video is unreasonable. Moreover, we must consider the impact of temporal noise. Our method is based on SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) with time relevance of each pixel. Many noise reduction algorithms have many trade-offs. We need a good measurement method. Therefore this thesis proposes some noise measurement methods and provides one new measurement mode.


noise video noise video noise measurement SNR Temporal SNR


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