  • 學位論文

IEEE 802.16m protocol之自動重傳請求最佳化設計

An integrated ARQ/HARQ Mechanism in the IEEE 802.16m Protocol

指導教授 : 周俊廷


智慧型手機以及平板電腦的出現,讓越來越多人能夠隨時隨地上網,然而,目前的3G網路無論在下載速度或是可用頻寬方面無法負擔這麼多的使用者。因此,為了提升傳輸速度以及傳輸品質,國際電信聯盟 (International Telecommunication Union) 訂出下一代行動通訊網路(4G)的規格標準。IEEE 802.16m 就是IEEE 802.16 working group (WG) 所制定的一套為了滿足4G標準的無線網路規格。 為了提升傳輸速度,在IEEE 802.16m中,基地台跟使用者可以使用多載波來傳輸重要的控制訊息以及檔案。有別於傳統使用單一載波的傳輸方式,使用多載波必須考慮到不同載波之間的品質、可存取時間、以及檔案的分配問題。另外,使用多載波傳輸將造成回報的訊息量增加,因此,我們希望能夠有效地控制回報訊息數量,否則將造成資源的浪費。 在本論文中,我們首先針對IEEE 802.16m中的自動重傳請求(Automatic Repeat-reQuest)以及混合自動重傳請求(Hybrid Automatic Repeat-reQuest)做一項最佳化設計,此最佳化設計不僅降低接收端的複雜度,並且讓傳送端的重傳效率提升,提升系統的效能。接著,針對多載波傳輸,我們發現根據不同載波之間的特性去分配檔案可以提升傳送端的傳送效率,進而提高整體系統的吞吐量。最後,我們根據模擬的結果證實我們提出的最佳化方法確實可以改進系統的效能。


When more and more people use smart phones and tablet computers, they can connect to the Internet anytime and anywhere. However, in outdoor environments, the available bandwidth of the 3rd-generation mobile network cannot support so many users and provide good quality. Therefore, to increase transmission speed and quality, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) defines the specification for the next generation (4G) mobile communication network. IEEE 802.16m is the standard that IEEE 802.16 working group (WG) defines to meet the requirement for 4G mobile communication networks. To increase transmission capacity, a base station (BS) and its users can use multi-carrier for control messages and data transmission in the current release of the IEEE 802.16m standard draft. The MAC protocol which uses multi-carrier transmission is different from the MAC protocol using a single carrier transmission. When using multi-carrier transmission, the MAC protocol must consider the quality for each carrier, available timing, and data allocation problem. In addition, using multi-carrier transmission may increase the feedback overhead. Therefore, we hope that we can control the feedback overhead effectively to avoid wasting the radio resource. In this thesis, we first focus on Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) and Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) and design an optimized retransmission policy. The optimized retransmission policy not only lowers the complexity of a receiver but also improves the retransmission efficiency and system performance. Second, when the MAC protocol uses multi-carrier transmission, we allocate the data to different carriers according to their link characteristics. That can further improve the transmission efficiency and then increase the system throughput. Finally, we conduct in-depth simulation to show that our method outperforms the existing IEEE 802.16m specification.


[1] International Telecommunication Union (http://www.itu.int/en).
[2] IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards
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