  • 學位論文


The Study of Historical Narrative Methodology and Rhetoric of Shui-Hu through Jin Sheng-Tan’s criticism

指導教授 : 康韻梅


本論文擇取金聖嘆評點《水滸傳》中的擬史批評之面向,探討《水滸傳》敘事之史家書法。透過金聖嘆之擬史批評,論述《水滸傳》史家書法有三,一是《春秋》書法,《春秋》書法此一歷史撰述原則,亦是解讀小說文本的闡釋方法,金聖嘆以《春秋》書法之闡釋眼光,指出《水滸傳》中的褒貶大義。二是《史記》紀傳體例,《水滸傳》運用《史記》藉人明史之史法,塑造小說人物之形象。三是《左傳》文章義法,《左傳》為敘事散文之源頭,《水滸傳》敘事之文法皆來自《左傳》。本論文共分五章: 第一章 緒論。本章回顧二十世紀以來關於金聖嘆及其評點之研究論著,扼要敘述目前的研究成果,思考其不足之處,並根據明代的史傳評點風氣與明代文人之閱讀心態,提出本論文的思考方向。 第二章 褒貶固在筆墨之外:《水滸傳》中的《春秋》書法。本章論述金聖嘆評點《水滸傳》時所指出的《春秋》書法此一歷史敘述原則,如何呈現於《水滸傳》的敘事當中,論述過程以《春秋》五例為主,以《史記評林》之評點為輔,探討《水滸傳》敘事如何體現史家推見至隱之隱喻修辭與其中所蘊含的褒貶大義。 第三章 稗官固效古史氏法:《水滸傳》中的人物形象塑造之紀傳體例。作為抉發經義的《春秋》書法本身即包含了史法、義法與文法等要素,其影響層面從經學領域延伸到史學領域,司馬遷將它運用至《史記》的寫作中,形成了史法,《史記》為紀傳體,司馬遷使用之史法為藉人明史,即敘述代表性的歷史人物來反映歷史,凸顯人的意志和行為在歷史上的意義。《水滸傳》敘事亦是以人為主,描述一百零八條好漢之事跡,本章透過金聖嘆之評點,探討《水滸傳》敘事如何體現紀傳體例之史法。 第四章 二千餘紙是一篇文字:《水滸傳》中的《左傳》文章義法。司馬遷撰寫《史記》,無論體用,皆取法《左傳》,此外,萬曆至明末此一時期的古文選本以時代先後為序,大多以《左傳》居首,有將《左傳》視為古文正宗之意,《左傳》可說是敘事文之源頭。本章論述以金聖嘆之評點為主,清初馮李驊《左繡》及其他明末清初《左傳》評點本為輔,探討《水滸傳》敘事之文章義法。 第五章 結論。總結本論文論述重點,並提出未來可繼續深入探討之研究面向。


金聖嘆 評點 史記 水滸傳 春秋書法


This thesis investigate the historical narrative methodology and rhetoric of Shui-Hu through Jin Sheng-Tan’s similar criticism of historical biographies. There are three arguments: At first, the narrative methodology and rhetoric of The Spring and Autumn Annuals is an important writing principle of historical biographies, it is also a method to interpret novels. From Jin Sheng-Tan’s viewpoint, he interprets the writing principle and methodology dictated by The Spring and Autumn Annuals throughout the narratives of Shui-Hu. In my discourses, I analyze and categorize the Shui-Hu commentary by Jin Sheng-Tan which corresponds to the five examples of the narrative methodology and rhetoric of The Spring and Autumn Annuals, and refer to the standard historical commentary in Shi Ji Ping Lin. The result of Chapter 2 is the narratives of Shui-Hu express morals through similar historical commentary and statements. The second points, the narrative methodology and rhetoric of The Spring and Autumn Annuals includes two essential factors: writing methods of historical biographies and article techniques. The author of Shi Ji, Si Ma-Qian, creates the writing style of historical biographies. Si Ma-Qian expects to reflect historic changes by narrativing typical characters in history, and to emphasize the significances of the wills and activities of human in history. Chapter 3 arguments that the narrative of Shui-Hu reveals the writing style of historical biographies. The third points, the narrative techniques of Shui-Hu can trace to the Zuo Chuan. Due to most writing methodology and historical documents of Zuo Chuan are followed by Shi Ji, and the article anthology in the period of wan-li to the end of Ming Dynasty most respect Zuo Chuan, so the Zuo Chuan can be regarded as the source of Chinese narrative text. Chapter 3 argument that the article techniques of Shui-Hu refer to the Zuo Xiu and the other Zuo Chuan commentary.


Andrew H. Plaks著,沈亨壽譯:《明代小說四大奇書》(北京:生活•讀書•新知三聯書店,2006年)。
Hans Robert Jauss (姚斯)、Robert C.Holub (霍拉勃)著,周寧、金元浦譯:《接受美學與接受理論》(瀋陽市:遼寧人民出版社出版,1987年)。
