  • 學位論文


How Reviewer Profiles and Review Volume in Product Ratings Affect Viewers’ Purchasing Intention and Trust

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


隨著網際網路的科技發展下,消費者購買產品所參考的資訊愈來愈多元,消費者參考網上評論來做購買決策的情況也愈來愈多,因此本研究針對評論者的個人特質來探討消費者的情感型信任、認知型信任以及購買意願。 本研究採實驗設計法,透過2 (來源國效應:美國vs.泰國) x 2(大頭照線索:有照片vs.無照片) x 2(評論數量:多vs.少)三因子設計,製造八個實驗模擬情境來檢驗消費者的情感型信任、認知型信任以及購買意願。 本研究證實評論者國籍為高經濟發展國家者會相較於低經濟發展國家者會造成消費者較高的情感型信任以及購買意願;有照片的情境也相較無照片的情境會造成消費者較高的情感型信任以及購買意願;評論數量多的情境也相較評論數量少會造成消費者較高的認知型信任以及購買意願;也證實來源國效應及購買意願的中介變數:代言人效果。 關鍵字:線上評論、評論者特質、電子口碑、情感型信任、認知型信任、購買意圖


With the development in the technology of the Internet, the information that customers used to refer to buying products became more diversified. The situation that customer watching online reviews has been increased. Therefore, this research is to investigate how reviewer profile characteristics effect on customers’ purchasing intention and affective trust and cognitive trust. This research uses experiment designed, we manipulate three independent variables to explore their effect on customers’ purchasing intention and trust, we conduct an experiment which is a 2(Country of Origin: American vs. Thailand) x 2(Profile image: With image vs. Without image) x 2(The amount of review: More review vs. Less review) factorial design. With the eight conditions, the participants’ intention and behavior are assessed. The result indicated that the American condition will cause a higher purchasing intention and higher affective trust, the condition with image will cause a higher purchasing intention and higher affective trust, the condition with more review will cause a higher purchasing intention and higher cognitive trust. Also, there is a mediator between purchasing intention and country of origin. Keywords: Online review, Reviewer profile, E-Word of Mouth, Affective Trust, Cognitive Trust, Purchasing intention


一、 中文文獻
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二、 英文文獻
 Alexander Josiassen, Bryan A. Lukas, Gregory J. Whitwell, (2008) "Country‐of‐origin contingencies: Competing perspectives on product familiarity and product involvement", International Marketing Review, Vol. 25 Issue: 4, pp.423-440, https://doi.org/10.1108/02651330810887477 
