  • 學位論文


Computation and Communication Scheduling Optimization for Distributed Deep Learning Systems

指導教授 : 劉邦鋒


深度學習是一種可以解決複雜問題的技術。因為數據的增長和模型的複雜性,大規模的深度學習已經成了一個重要的問題。分佈式深度學習是一種有效的方式訓練一個大型模型。在分散式環境下,網絡帶寬是性能瓶頸。本文的重點是如何安排網路活動以減少訓練時間。我們提出一些調度程序,並獲得最多25 % 的加速。


Deep learning is a technique that can solve complex problem. Due to the growth of data and model complexity, large-scale deep learning has became an important issue. Distributed deep learning is a efficient way to train a large model. Under distributed environment, network bandwidth is a performance bottleneck. This paper focus on how to schedule network events to reduce training time. We propose some schedulers and get at most 25% speedup.


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