  • 學位論文


The relationship between sinuosity, landslide and sediment discharge in Tsai-Liao River, Tainan

指導教授 : 陳宏宇


本研究工作主要是以台南菜寮溪集水區流域,從1996年到2008年間的8個颱風事件與921地震後的地層滑動分布,來探討該河道變化與輸砂量間的相互關係。從各不同颱風期間地層滑動的判釋結果發現,本研究區之崩塌率介於5.36%到7.41%之間,崩塌率以2001年桃芝颱風後的7.41%最高,2005年海棠颱風後的5.36%最低,重現率則以2005年海棠颱風後的82.61%最高,1999年921地震後的47.11%最低。崩塌率在桃芝颱風時達最高,隨後有下降的趨勢,可能顯示921地震的擾動使得本研究區地質材料的膠結變得較為鬆散,後續颱風暴雨事件即可造成較多的崩塌,但此效應似乎是逐年在降低。而重現率以921地震為最低,顯示地震不易使舊有山崩再度崩塌,而是形成新生崩塌地。就本研究區域內之三個地層的崩塌率而言,古亭坑層之崩塌率16.03%,遠高於其他地層,其原因可能是該地層之青灰色泥岩之岩質膠結鬆散,岩石強度為17.05MPa,屬於低強度之”弱岩”的分類,且消散耐久性第二循環指數僅19.99%所致。進一步分析顯示,古亭坑層在地震後崩塌率則有先升後降的趨勢,其他地層之崩塌率的差異則不大。 從福衛二號影像中的判釋發現,颱風在本研究區域內的河道上所造成的淘挖侵蝕面積,自2005年起有逐漸升高的趨勢。2005年海棠颱風期間,淘挖侵蝕約8萬平方公尺,2008年卡玫基颱風約26萬平方公尺,其淘挖侵蝕面積每年約增加4.5萬平方公尺。相對的,颱風過後的低流量時期,河道淤積面積有逐漸增加的趨勢。在2005年到2006年間淤積約8萬平方公尺,而2007到2008年間約22萬平方公尺,其淤積面積每年約增加3.5萬平方公尺。此意義顯示,當颱風暴雨河流流量增加時,河道受到淘挖侵蝕的影響,會增大通洪斷面,但颱風過後,大量輸砂則轉為淤積於河道上,使得本研究區河道的淘挖、淤積現象,在2005年後有逐年升高的趨勢。河道曲率從2005年到2008年間平均為1.5,在颱風事件後,有升高的現象,最大差距為0.07。此意義顯示,當本研究區之地層滑動的崩塌率上升時,河道面積、河寬與河道曲率都有隨之增加的趨勢,即在颱風暴雨之作用下,河道可能向外側擴張,使河道面積增加、流徑增長,河道曲率增加。 本研究區年平均輸砂量約為26百萬噸/年,侵蝕率高達90 mm/yr,在8個颱風事件中所量測到之輸砂量,幾乎都占有全年輸砂量的20%以上,其中以1996年賀伯颱風的92%為最高。從流量與輸砂量間呈現一個正相關的意義顯示,豪雨期間地表逕流具有較高的沖刷能力,而且洪峰期間河岸攻擊坡常因水流淘挖趾部,或泥岩吸水崩解,使邊坡發生崩塌,崩塌之材料直接進入河道,形成較高之輸砂量。


Landslide distributions of the Chi-Chi earthquake and 8 typhoon events during 1996 to 2008 are well mapped to analysis the relationships between landslide, channel avulsion and the sediment discharge in Tsai-Liao River, Tainan, Taiwan. The landslide ratios and the new-generated ratios of these geohazards range from 5.36% to 7.41% and from 22.15% to 56.51%, respectively. The highest landslide ratio and new-generated ratio triggered by Typhoon Toraji after the Chi-Chi earthquake ( ML=7.3 ) can be attributed to the loosening of geomaterials disturbed by seismic wave. In the following years after Typhoon Toraji, the decrease of landslide ratio reveals the decline of earthquake effect. Besides, mudstone with poor cementation and the weak strength (UCS = 17.05 MPa) may result to the landslide ratio of 16.03% in Kutingkeng Formation, more higher than any other Formations. During 2005 ~ 2008, the variation of channel area mapped by Formosa II satellite images show that the erosion area increases 45,000 m2/yr and the deposition area also increases 35,000 m2/yr, indicating that during typhoon period, the discharge increases rapidly and erodes the channel bank, but no sooner after typhoon, amounts of sediments deposit along the channel. The average sinuosity during 2005 to 2008 is 1.5 and it has a increasing tendency after each typhoon events. The heavy rainfall during typhoon period not only causes more landslide, but also changes the channel morphology including channel area, channel width, and the sinuosity. The average sediment discharge in the catchment is 26 Mt/yr (90 mm/yr). The flow discharge are proportion to sediment discharge, showing that during typhoon period, rainstorm-induced flood would erode the toe of river bank and lead to slope failure, and those eroded geomaterials driven to river channel will increase the sediment discharge.


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