  • 學位論文

家庭中心實務感知與親職效能感之相關性探究: 以臺北市接受早期療育服務之主要照顧者為例

Parents’ Perception of Family-Centered Practice and Parenting Self-Efficacy among Primary Caregivers Using Early Intervention Services at Taipei

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


家庭角色在促進兒童發展與福祉上是家庭中心取向早期療育服務著重的焦點,而家庭中心實務以協同合作的夥伴關係及參與決策的增權過程則是對於增進主要照顧者的親職信心與效能感有正向影響。基於此,早期療育社會工作在服務有早期療育需求之家庭時,應落實家庭中心實務執行,可以促進主要照顧者親職效能感提升,支持兒童有正向發展的機會。故本研究之研究目的有三:(一)探討國內家庭中心取向早期療育服務的具體內涵,特別是主要照顧者所覺知的家庭支持與參與的內涵;(二)檢視兒童與家庭的特徵、服務介入的特徵、家庭中心實務感知對主要照顧者親職效能感之解釋;(三)研究成果希望能有助於未來發展提升家長親職效能感之家庭中心實務執行策略。 本研究採取量化之研究典範,以郵寄問卷調查為資料收集方式,研究對象為接受早期療育服務之主要照顧者,以立意取樣方式選取臺北市6個早期療育社區資源中心及12所臺北市政府社會局立案提供早期療育訓練的身心障礙福利機構進行抽樣,符合研究對象條件的共1,742個家庭。本次研究調查資料蒐集回收573份問卷,回收率達33.08%,有效問卷數為521份。 研究結果簡述如下:(一)兒童特徵與親職效能感無達顯著差異。(二)在家庭特徵方面,主要照顧者年齡較輕、已婚、教育程度較高以及愈多社會支持者有較好的親職效能感。(三)服務介入特徵中,專業人員面訪或電訪關心聯繫的頻率越高,則主要照顧者親職效能感會越高。(四)接受早期療育服務之主要照顧者的家庭中心實務感知與親職效能感有關,即以家庭中心的早期療育服務對於主要照顧者在親職照顧上實有助益。(五)在控制了兒童、家庭與服務介入特徵後,接受早期療育服務兒童其主要照顧者之家庭中心實務感知對親職效能感有顯著正向影響。立基於本次研究調查發現,研究者針對家庭中心取向早期療育服務、提升親職效能感以及未來研究方向等層面提出相關建議。


Family-centered early intervention services emphasized working with families as a key means to promote development and well-being for developmentally delayed children. Empirical evidence indicated that building collaborative partnership and promoting empowerment in working with families had a positive impact on primary caregivers' parental confidence and efficacy. When providing services to families, early intervention workers should focus improving parenting efficacy of the primary caregivers in order to enhance children positive development. This study examined the relationship between perception of family-centered services and parenting efficacy among primary caregivers, when controlling for family characteristics and service use patterns. This study used a quantitative research approach to examine the correlated relationship between service perception and parenting efficacy. Structured survey questionnaires were mailed to inquire primary caregivers about their using early intervention services at Taipei. This study purposively sampled 1,742 families from six early intervention community centers and twelve early intervention training institutions literally providing family centered services. Five hundred and seventy-three primary caregivers responded to the mailed questionnaires. The response rate was 33.08%, within an acceptable range. Among them, five hundred and twenty-one responses were valid for an further analysis. Findings of the study were summarized as the followings. (1) Children’s characteristics were not significantly associated with parental efficacy of there primary caregivers. (2) The primary caregivers with younger age, higher education and more social support had better parenting efficacy. (3) In terms of the service use, more frequent face-to-face and telephone interview were associated with higher parental efficacy. (4) Primary caregivers’ perceptions of family- centered practice were significantly related to parenting self-efficacy. (5) While controlling the characteristics of the children, family and service use, primary caregivers’ perceptions of family-centered practice had a positive impact on the parenting self-efficacy. Implications for improving the perception of family-centered early intervention services and improving parenting efficacy were included.




