  • 學位論文


Modeling of Ripple Based Constant On Time Buck Converter in DCM

指導教授 : 陳德玉




A constant-frequency pulse-width-modulator controller is commonly employed in traditional DC-DC converters. In recent years, however, a constant on-time controller for DC converters is gaining popularity because of the new emphasis on the converter light-load efficiency in applications such as notebook computer and handheld consumer products. For such applications, the power converter is in standby or light-load conditions most of the time. The new mandate of high efficiency at light-load condition makes great sense because of overall energy concern. A constant on-time controller for the DC power converters naturally lends itself to lower frequency operation, and therefore, has higher energy efficiency at light load. Constant-frequency control of DC power converters can be accomplished in a variety of schemes. In this thesis, the work on the ripple-based constant on-time control scheme for buck converters will be reported. The focus is on the feedback control stability issue when the converter is operated in discontinuous mode. A control model is developed for investigating the stability issue of such a converter. Experimental and simulation results are given to verify the model.


Ripple-Based Constant On Time DC/DC Converter Model DCM


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