  • 學位論文


A Study of Zhan Ganguan’s Practical Theory

指導教授 : 杜保瑞


湛若水(1466-1560),字元明,號甘泉,廣東增城人,生於明憲宗成化元年,從學於明儒心學大成者陳白沙,於明孝宗弘治帝乙丑年間進士及第,於明世宗嘉靖皇帝年間擔任南京兵部、禮部、吏部三部尚書之職位,於儒學上的傳承而言,亦是陳白沙心學之大成就者,其本體工夫是以「勿忘勿助」為主要修行的方式,其教法以「隨處體認天理」為宗,並以此進行本體工夫之實踐,以「天理」為其最高本體概念之設定,認為天理本身是通天人而不二的究竟法,其本質為「中正之氣」,其核心意義為「仁」,就其無所安排處稱之為「良」,就其不由於人之處稱之為「天」,而能知之為「良」者,便是所謂天理的本體。 故在此設定下,便以天理為最高概念而能統攝「良知」與「良能」,而良能本身則是以「神」的概念形容,以代表本體自我要求道德實踐的力量,其本質為中正之氣,故在此概念的運設定下,便認為心之生理便是「性」,當觸物而發時便可以稱為「情」,當發而中正之時,便是「真情」,所以不論是「天」或「人」之中,皆有那本具的中正之氣的存在。所以「天理」與「中正之氣」的運作範圍,便因此皆可以說是遍一切處而無限的運作,此為湛若水對於本體運作範圍之設定,也因此而反對王陽明及其後學氣外求性的態度,故其本體概念的運作上,便針對此點,批評王陽明及其後學有流於佛老之風險,但是同時也就王陽明心學之中對於「仁體」的體證進行對於湛王二家共法上的理解與融會,也因此而產生了於王陽明之間的工夫辨義問題,其本體工夫之爭議處可以分為三大類之爭論,即本體的自覺義、習心之對治義與境界上之自由義的討論。 以湛若水的觀點來看,其本體通工夫的運作歷程,可以分為「學」與「覺」兩大類之系統的運作,從對於習心的對治進路來看,便是從有限的智境入手,以進行對於及欲念的初步收攝,以古訓做為修行的參考典範,進行對於「習心」之對治,以成就其對治義,也就是「學」的工夫之成就,同時亦利用靜坐的方式,使內在本具的心之生理得以顯現其自身的力量,以完成對於本心之自覺義之修行,而成就「覺」之工夫。 就分解的角度而言,若在實修上偏於「學」,則會執著於經論之中而有偏於「外」之風險產生,故需以「勿助」法進行境界上的提昇,以化解對於有限智境之執著,而過份注重靜坐而徒守其心的方式則有偏於「內」之缺點,故以「勿忘」法之指點,使其免於理欲不分而忘失本體之情況產生,故在湛若水的本體工夫便以「勿忘勿助法」為其求中之門,以通達內外而合一,而進入遠離利害與欲望等經驗與他律的境界,此時便可成就其本體工夫中「自由義」。 而圓具自覺義、自由義與對治義於一身的工夫,也就是湛若水所言的「隨處體認天理」之工夫,此為湛若水本體工夫之心要,其教法雖然高明,但是卻因為其重視學問之功的一面,而被王陽明認為有偏於外之風險,而王陽明常就本體工夫自覺義與自由義之一處發揮,而被湛甘泉批評其教法容易使其後學有輕視學問之功而流於放縱之風險,故湛若水與王陽明便因此而引發工夫的辨義問題,而針對此類疑慮之分析,便成為了本文討論之焦點,而筆者亦在試圖從湛若水的觀點出發,進行對於相關問題之回應。


The importance of teaching method of Wang Yangming (王陽明) is the familiar training 「熟習」 of original mind, on the foundation of awareness. Therefore, he emphasizes the awareness of conscience is the essential part of practice, further, noumenon (本體) of conscience is neither learning nor contemplation. If noumenon (本體) of conscience is put into learning that means seeking outside, and will be fare from ontological practice. Therefore, when Wang Yangming emphasizes on awareness of inner mind, he holds that the teaching method of Zhan Ganguan (湛甘泉) may decline to outer seeking. So, Wang Yangming criticizes on this specific point. But, according to Zhan Ganguan (湛甘泉), teaching method of Wang Yangming is excessively lean towards awareness of inner mind and purely regard to ancient way of learning. Therefore, under the lack of objective survey of ancient text, his teaching method, awareness of conscience usually decline in non-conscience risk factor. Therefore, excessively lean towards inner and less outer is criticism of Wang Yangming. Thus, Zhan Ganguan (湛甘泉) argues the importance of ancient training way and formed a set of objective stander of moral rule. In this way, one form learning「學習」can grasp the basic needs of practice theory. Although, the stander of this learning is grasped from cognition of mind, but this is what requirement of a Sage practice when he manifest noumenon (本體). Thus, from the Sage point of view, proceeds towards proper understand of noumenon (本體), and then proceeds towards proper understanding of noumenon’s (本體) familiar training 「熟習」and awareness. Thus, there is a complete set of theory of practice. But, Wan Yangming holds that this method usually decline towards accumulation of knowledge and unable to complete the awareness of noumenon (本體), thus he usually from the point of view of ‘noumenon is neither learning nor consideration’ criticizes Zhan Ganguan (湛甘泉). But, is it really so? Are learning「學習」 and familiar training 「熟習」consistent system? In this paper the author discuss from this point of view.


learning familiar training Zhan Ganguan





