  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Change Management Processes of Sales Force Transformation in a High-tech Company

指導教授 : 李吉仁


在面臨多變的競爭環境下,如何讓員工與組織保持彈性、快速因應與對改變 的適應能力,是企業關鍵的挑戰,因此,每每外在環境產生劇烈變化,實務界與 學術界均大力疾呼「企業變革」之重要性。為貢獻於此一議題的理論與實務對話, 本研究將以筆者多年參與企業組織業務變革的經驗為基礎,以個案研究方法來探 究高科技產業環境下,企業進行業務變革的目的、內涵與流程,以及有哪些獨特 的議題與解決之道。經由這些問題的討論,本研究希冀能藉由分析組織業務變革 之內涵,提出企業進行業務變革轉型之流程參考,同時,經由對實際導入業務變 革種類之個案分析,探究其成功之關鍵與常見的阻礙,以作為實務界執行業務變 革之參考。 根據埃森哲的變革管理知識框架,本研究將變革轉型架構分成五個階段,分 別是:(1)計劃變革、(2)管理變革、(3)啟動組織變革轉型、(4)教育訓練與績效支持 與(5)建立高層的支持與認同,並涉及一系列完整的活動及規範。然除上述五個主 要階段,若以專案時間軸來分析,則可依據從規畫預期效益、快速診斷、藍圖設 計、細部實施與導入執行五個步驟。 本研究選取的高科技企業個案 D 公司,其業務變革轉型的目的係在有效控制 銷售成本的前提下,提高對市場銷售的準確度,以及營收增加,營收與獲利的增 加可能來自新/舊產品、地區、客戶,而業務變革轉型的內涵為企業為達到上述目 的,整合業務的相關組織(營業、售服、產品),優化與固化強化後的業務體系的態 度與能力。因此,整體變革流程是充滿著動態與選擇性的。此外,本研究發現國 內大型企業在執行業務變革管理時,與國外財星五百大等級的大企業有以下兩點 本質上的不同:公司治理架構上的不同與組織資源的不同。最後,筆者歸納自身 的顧問輔導經驗,彙整理論架構與實務經驗,希冀作為企業未來規畫業務變革之 參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the dynamic process of change management of sales force transformation. The research is based on the several years of engagement experience of the thesis author in Accenture. By using the structured framework of Accenture sales transformation, this research has attempted to bridge the relevant literature on change management to consulting practices. There are 5 stages for change management of sales transformation: planning, managing, launching, training, and support of management. The main research questions are: 1. What are the purposes of change management of sales force transformation, the specific contents, and procedures? 2. What are the unique issues and obstacles during the period of change management of sales force transformation for companies in Taiwan? With the attempt to answer those questions, the present research aims to build up a framework of change management of sales force transformation to ensure companies to execute change management. In addition, with a series of activities of change management of sales force transformation, companies could eventually change the structures and relocate resources according to new strategies. Taking the case company D as an example, the purpose of change management of sales force transformation is to enhance the ability of forecast to increase the sales revenue with controlling the sales opportunities. The specific contents are to integrate organizations, including sales, service, and products, to build up the excellent sales ability and attitude. Moreover, with the experiences of global consulting, the researcher found the main differences between global companies and Taiwanese firms lies in corporate governance structure and organizational resources. Implications of our findings to the better approach of change management are also discussed.


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陳崇良(2015)。上市無塵室統包工程公司 轉型策略之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.11374
