  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship among the Policy of the “Opening up the Mountains and Pacifying the Aborigines”, Provincial Finance, and the Camphor and Tea Production in Taiwan during 1885-1895

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


1885年,清法戰爭後,清廷認知臺灣的重要性,決議將臺灣設省,並預定臺中作為省會,但1891年卻將省會改為臺北。行政中心的北遷,近代學者認為是因北部茶、樟腦之出口貿易興起。不過,行政中心的移轉是逐步的過程,除了經濟產業的誘因外,值得注意的是執政者的決策取向,於此而言,不得不重視戰後至正式設立省會的六年間,涉及政經社會並且主要在北部執行的「開山撫番」政策。「開山撫番」官方目的,簡言之為開墾內山,撫順生番,統籌全臺,以衛海防。然而,當時清廷對於建設臺灣並無多餘的協餉,首任巡撫劉銘傳還需向士紳籌款以保財政,在財政拮据的情況下,劉銘傳卻不惜鉅額的軍事開銷以維持兩萬軍力的「開山撫番」政策。   本文即探討劉銘傳在自強新政與建省的財政負擔下,選擇執行「開山撫番」的原因,及與財政歲入有著重要關係的經濟商品:茶與樟腦,於「開山撫番」推波助瀾下,其生產的變化與影響。透過此兩項課題,得出以下結果:(1)「開山撫番」不但使北臺灣成為行政、經濟、軍事的重心,同時也建立起執政者之官僚勢力;(2)「開山撫番」為平衡官紳間互相對立又互惠關係的政策,政府以此增加土地及交易等稅收,地方士紳也因而得到擴張資產的機會;(3)「開山撫番」突破漢番間原有的平衡,使淺山地帶廣為開墾,促進了茶與樟腦的生產。


劉銘傳 官僚 地方勢力 撫墾局


After Sino-French War in 1885, Qing government became conscious of the importance of Taiwan’s strategic position and devoted to strengthen administration and naval defense to protect south-eastern of China. For this purpose, the first Governor of Taiwan Ming Chuan Liu aggressively implemented the policy of “Opening up the Mountains and Pacifying the Aborigines” (OMPA) to detach more military forces to wasteland and appease aborigines. Liu ignored the limited budget in spite of finance in difficulties at that time.   This study first analyze the reason for implemented of OMPA and the impact on the economical production of tea and camphor. At last, this study find out the following results : (1) OMPA is not only shift the political and economical center from south to north, but also extend bureaucratic powers of Liu; (2) OMPA increased land property of powerful gentries and government’s revenue by land and sale taxes; (3) OMPA promoted development of local society and raised output of camphor and tea.


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