  • 學位論文


The Research of the Success Model of eGovernment System: A Case Study of National Property Administration

指導教授 : 曹承礎


近年我國政府積極發展電子化政府,於第三階段之優質網路政府計畫中,希 望透過內部資訊改造、系統共用等方式提高整體資訊資源使用效率。也因此財政部國有財產署於95年起,開始推動國有公用財產管理系統(線上版)之開發建置,希望透過統一開發公用財產管理系統的方式降低整體成本,同時公用財產資訊也可透過此系統便利地傳至線上傳輸系統,達成即時、全面性的公用財產資料蒐集,但系統於99年上線後推廣至今已出現瓶頸:無法繼續增加使用機關數,以至於預期的成本節省效益增進管理效能效益大打折扣。 本研究從電子化政府及資訊系統成功模型兩個領域進行文獻探討後,以DeLone and McLean (2003)發表之D&M資訊系統成功模型為基礎,輔以利益關係人、策略三角形的概念,對個案進行深入分析,期能找出財網系統發展瓶頸之原因、及可能改善建議,同時對D&M資訊系統於G2G(Government-to-Government)背景的使用上進行驗證。 研究結果發現,個案系統發展瓶頸,源於(1)資源的缺乏,預算不足也無法令之強制力,推行不易、(2)系統面功能不完整、(3)因開發時間過晚,各機關之既有系統造成的轉移成本高,導致使用意願低。為解決此瓶頸,本研究建議國產署考量授權階級需求,爭取更多資源及法令上的協助,或適度增加系統之開放性、鬆綁管理規定,滿足使用者功能需求以增加採用意願。未來其他政府機關在進行電子化政府系統規劃時,也應思考系統之預期效益、考量各利害關係人之需求後,始進行系統之設計及可行性之評估。在D&M資訊系統成功模型於G2G背景的驗證上,本研究發現構面間的關聯存在,但也建議其他研究者可進行量化研究方法之驗證,期能促進D&M資訊系統成功模型於公部門系統領域之應用。


Taiwan government has tried to catch up the trend of eGovernment. In the third stage of eGovernment plan, they tried to saving the total IT cost through the IT infrastructure reengineering and resource sharing. Thus, National Property Administration has started to build the National Public Property Management System from 1996. By building this common and sharing system, they intended to saving the cost of maintain and development and also reached a more promptly and complete data collecting process. The system was launched in 2010 and was adopted by a few departments. But now, they meet a problem. They can’t keep promoting this system to more departments. Due to the lack of usage, the intended benefit is not fully realized. After reviewing the literature of eGovernment and information system success model, Delone and McLean IT Success Model was chose as the main research model. This research was conducted to not only figure out the problem and the possible solution but try to validate the usage of Delone and McLean IT Success Model in the context of G2G(Government-to-Government) system. The research result shows that the problem origins from three aspect:(1)The lack of resource and authority、(2) The incompleteness of the system function、(3) The switching cost from existing system. To break this situation, we suggest National Property Administration to more consider the need of the authority to gain more support and resource. Or they can raise the openness of the system to meet the needs of function. In the future, government should pay more attention to the needs of stakeholder and clarify the intended benefit before the construction of one system.


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