  • 學位論文


Conceptual Design and Analysis of Energy Storage System for A Zero Emission Electric Bus

指導教授 : 劉霆


本研究之目的在於分析及發展一創新零排放複合電動大客車系統,以純電池式電動車輛為基礎,加入可變慣性矩飛輪及超級電容器儲能元件,利用其高功率密度之特性,彌補電池功率密度不足之缺點。且超級電容器可承受大電流充放電而不影響其壽命,在起步加速需要大電流輸出時可輔助電池,避免電池大電流放電造成壽命降低的情形,藉此延長電池壽命。首先利用圖論表示法合成本研究之創新系統,並訂定評分標準選出最佳之設計,再設計控制策略撰寫MATLAB程式以歐盟ECE Cycle (Economic Commission of Europe Urban Driving Cycle)及New York Bus Cycle行車模式進行測試模擬,最後以本研究發展之數值化電池壽命評估方式,對加入可變慣性矩飛輪及超級電容器之系統作評估,呈現之結果顯示此系統在延長電池壽命方面之效益。本研究完整地整理加入不同數量之超級電容器,及逐漸增加可變慣性矩飛輪質量塊之質量,分析對電池電量及壽命之影響。


The purpose of this study is to analyze and to develop a new complex zero emission electric bus system. Based on the electric vichle which uses only batteries as its energy storage system, this study adds a variable inertia flywheel and a ultracapacitor into it. By the property of hight power density, variable inertia flywheel and ultracapacitor can recover the defect of battery - low power density. And ultracapacitor can be charged and discharged by high current without losing its life cycle. Not as ultracapacitor, the life cycle will be knocked down when using high current to charge or discharge batteries. So when the bus needs high power to acceleration, the ultracapacitor in the new system of this study can protect the battery from high current discharge and improve the life cycle of the batteries. This study starts from synthesizing the new system by using graph theory. And establishes the standard to choose the best system. Then devises the control strategy and writes a MATLAB program to simulate the new system using ECE (Economic Commission of Europe Urban Driving Cycle) and New York Bus driving cycle. At last, estimates the life cycle of the new system that with a variable inertia flywheel and a ultracapacitor by the numerical Battery Life Cycle Estimate Method developed in this study. The result shows the benefit to extend life cycle of the batteries in the new systems that add different amount of ultracapacitors and change the mass of variable inertia flywheel.


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