  • 學位論文


Application and Analysis of Sustainable Ecological Engineering and Carbon Reduction on Agricultural Canal

指導教授 : 黃國倉


為了達成國家節能減碳目標,近幾年來政府積極從政策面將「永續工程-綠色內涵」納入各項施政內容中。由行政院從民國98年核定的「振興經濟擴大公共建設投資計畫」即指出各項公共建設設計應採用符合環保、節能減碳概念之綠色工法、綠色材料、綠色設計。並且規定公共工程設計規劃運用「綠色內涵」的原則不得低於該工程總預算的百分之十。由此可見「綠色內涵」為節能減碳的重要策略。 為將以上的概念應用於農田水利水圳工程,並呼應目前行政院農業委員會推廣的「三生」政策,本研究進行農田水圳工程節能減碳之綠色內涵的應用分析,分別從質性與量化分析兩方向著手。首先,本研究將從全國各農田水利會工程單位尋求合適的案例,再進行資料蒐集、現場會勘(周邊居民訪談及現場拍照等),並依據節能減碳之綠色內涵的精神評估上述案例,匯整出符合綠色內涵範疇的工法項目,以做為推廣節能減碳永續工程的選項及參考依據。另外,依據EEWH綠建築評估系統及其他學者相關研究,建構適合水利工程二氧化碳排放量計算方式,並利用統計方法歸納簡易的工法單元二氧化碳排放量計算公式,可提供評估水圳工程初步規畫分析較佳方案及未來後續的補償措施。 藉由上述研究成果,希望能提供農田水渠永續工程於設計、新建、整建和改建時可使用符合綠色內涵範疇的工法範例,同時也能幫助設計單位於施工前核計該工程所將產生之二氧化碳排放量數值,能以最有效且經濟的方式規劃渠道兩側或腹地植栽(固碳量)以作為補償措施,並能達到碳平衡。當然也可呼應全球及政府所要推廣的政策-節能減碳、愛地球!


In recent years, to achieve carbon reduction, the authority actively brings a policy of “sustainable engineering-green connotation” into line with the state plan. According to the "revitalization of the economy to expand public construction investment plan " approved by the Executive Yuan in 2009, the design of public infrastructure should adopt the eco-friendly, saving energy and reduction of carbon concepts. Moreover, the expense of sustainable engineering-green connotation design should account for at least 10% of total project budget. Hence, "green connotation" is an important strategy to reduce carbon emissions. To incorporate the concept of "green connotation" into the farmland hydraulic canal engineering and echo the policy of sustainable agricultural management, this study aimed to qualify and quantify the total carbon emissions and saving energy in the period of farmland canal construction. In the beginning, this study chose the appropriate cases from the completion project of the Taiwan joint irrigation association. After the initial data collecting and field survey, a total of 12 cases were selected. Evaluation of the chosen cases were undertaken on the basis of the spirit of green connotation. Suitable parameters among sustainable engineering projects were then selected. Carbon emission was calculated according to the EEWH data and other studies. Subsequently, we used statistic method to propose an experience formula for the foundation of following sustainable engineering. The proposed formula also can be used in investigating and planning forward the compensated projects or alternative plans to meet the carbon balance through plantation. Consequently, this study provides an effective and economical method to calculate carbon emission for the design of sustainable engineering.


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