  • 學位論文


Platform Strategy Analysis of Singing Contest Program-The Case of One Million Star

指導教授 : 江炯聰


歌唱選秀節目從2000年起英國爆紅的<Pop Idol>,全球開始掀起歌唱選秀節目的熱潮,美國<American Idol>、大陸<超級女聲>乃至於台灣<超級星光大道>,都曾締造收視巔峰,並掀起輿論的廣大迴響以及學術界的持續關注。 流行音樂產業近年來面臨數位化的浪潮以及消費者收聽載具的使用轉變,唱片公司對於藝人的培訓與推廣方式也漸趨多元。藉由和歌唱選秀節目合作,提供業餘者一個歌唱舞台,成功地將素人轉變為職業歌手。 本研究的主要目的在於分析超級星光大道的商業模式,以及如何成功打造素人轉變成職業歌手並擁有廣大粉絲群支持的歷程。以多邊平台和觸媒企業作為理論依據,分析超級星光大道的平台發展六步驟,最後歸納出超級星光大道的四項關鍵成功因素,並針對節目的未來發展提出分析與建議。 本研究發現超級星光大道的平台發展策略,先找出各方合作廠商,並打造高規格節目,免費提供舞台讓年輕人展現才藝,成功吸引進關鍵參賽者的加入,並透過節目設計與緊湊的比賽時程,激發他們的情感羈絆,同時使用網路平台以及媒體整合傳播以觸及廣大的觀眾群,建立起緊密連結催化出眾多粉絲群,最後成功達成各方獲利。


It began to set off a trend of Singing Contest Program all over the world. From the begin of British , America , China and the later Taiwan , they all have created ratings peak, arising the grand echo of the public as well as the sustained attention from the academia. The goal of this research paper is to analyze the business model and the platform development strategies of One Million Star. Using multi-sided platform and Catalyst Code’s 6-step framework, this paper analyze how the TV program successfully transform an ordinary person into a professional singer with great fan clubs. Finally, this paper summarizes four KSFs of One Million Star, analyzing the future development of the show and gives advices. This paper finds the platform development of One Million Star. First of all, it finds out firms to cooperate and builds up a high class TV program, providing for free the young people a stage to perform themselves. Secondly, it connects a network platform and the media integration to touch as many audiences as possible with the goal of letting the catalytic run riot. Finally, it generates many fans as loyal audiences, making profits successfully.


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