  • 學位論文


A Lightweight Composite Service Engine for Mobile Devices

指導教授 : 李允中


在科技發達的今日,智慧型手持裝置已相當普及,其中以Android手機為系統最大宗,Google Play商店上更有超越百萬個應用程式可供下載。在這樣的時代裡,如何讓人們能夠不只侷限於單個應用程式的概念,而能夠依照其所想組合出真正貼近個人需求的服務,便是本次研究所著重的方向。本篇論文將提出一個支持SOAP、RESTful和Android Activity/Service的輕量化BPEL服務引擎,並透過擴增WSDL的方式來達到組合異質性服務的目的。


Over the past decade, smartphones have become one of the most important inventions. However, little emphasis has been put on composing mobile device services. In this research, we focus on the composition of different applications/services. A Mobile Device Lightweight BPEL Engine is presented in this, a composite service engine that can invoke and compose SOAP, RESTful services and Android Activity/Services. We extend WSDL documents to support mobile device services so that heterogeneous services can be orchestrated on the Engine.


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