  • 學位論文


The Policy Responses of the European Nations to the Refugee Crisis under Globalization : the Cases of the United Kingdom and Germany , 2014-2018

指導教授 : 蕭全政


本研究針對2015年在歐洲發生的難民潮危機,歐洲各國如何以政策各自因應進行探討,特別是針對2014-2018年難民潮危機較為激烈的時段,尤其是英國與德國做深入了解。因此筆者自難民潮危機為何發生開始討論,就歷史時序起,敘明阿拉伯之春、敘利亞內戰及伊斯蘭國壯大等重要關鍵階段;緊接著是難民在逃亡時不顧生命危險的代價,以及各國面對難民的態度與政策變遷。最後,以各國庇護制度的比較和歐盟為整合做出的努力,做為敘事線的結尾,並凸顯人道關懷的重要性。 基於本研究探討之主題具有層層相扣、務實又因果相連的關係,謹以「偏差動員」理論的觀點,對事件之時空脈絡進行分析、解構與關照。由於難民潮危機中,歐洲各國因應的角度裡,方方面面,小到個人,大到區域或全球網絡,都有務實、自利理性的特色,在各種政策中進行偏差動員;因此筆者以三個層次進行架構分析:分別是「全球層次」談地緣政治博弈與美俄後冷戰的勢力、「區域層次」以歐盟為中心整合各會員國的政策差異與效果,最後歸結於英國與德國的「國家層次」,並試圖拼湊來自不同歷史文化的差異下,作為脫歐主力的英國和歐盟核心的德國,如何運用偏差與偏差動員,在國家利益、政黨派系折衝和個人對於未來的精算中,如何偏差動員來因應這個重大危機。 本研究之結論認為,導致難民潮發生的原因仍不脫戰爭,無論是地區利益,或大國間覬覦地區影響力的代理人戰爭。另外,極右翼政治力量崛起,導致民主受到挑戰的現象值得注意;另外,恐怖主義恐怕會藉伊斯蘭國的滅絕,進入另一種形式的存在,繼續對世界產生威脅;至於歐盟內部,各會員國的利益是否能被一致性關照,將決定歐盟是否順利整合或是就此分裂。因此,全球化下時間與距離的隔閡越來越小、區域型事件勢必對彼此影響越來越大,不可不慎;最後,本文盼以人道關懷與人性尊嚴作為最後建議,在全然不同的各式偏差動員中維持民主價值,並思索長治久安之道。


Providing protection to people fleeing in search of refuge is one of humanity’s most longstanding traditions – a shared value embedded in many religious and cultural traditions, and now part of international law. This research focuses on the responses of EU, Germany and the United kingdom from 2014-2018, when the UK is heading towards Brexit, and Germany rises as the core value and the engine of EU. How and why are these two nations are so different from each other? From small individuals to larger regional or global networks, there are pragmatic and inward-looking approach to influence the policy making. Finally, this research derives into the comparison of the asylum systems, and the EU's efforts to integrate the member states, and concludes with the emphasis on the importance of caring for humanity. It is imperative for us to look at international politics as a whole when asking why the Refugee Crisis took place is happening. The story goes back to the Arab Spring (2011), the Syrian Civil War, and the rise of the Islamic State. All of these factors contributed and influenced policy making in Europe. Based on the relationship between the themes of this study and these connections, we should analyze, deconstruct and explain the context of applying of the theory “Mobilization of Bias ”, to rebuild the passage back of the policy-making framework. Many European countries take a more pragmatic approach and are more inward-looking, from individuals, regional to global networks, their policies were influenced for various reasons. This study conducts 3 aspects of analysis framework in the global level, regional level and nation level. The "global level" discuss how the United States and Russia use proxy-war to influence the geopolitical game in the post-Cold War period. The "regional level" looks into how EU as the center, integrates the different policy of the member states, and lastly, "national level" at the UK and Germany responded to the refugee crisis. The conclusion of this study is that the cause of the Refugee Crisis is due to the occurrence of war. If we’re not going to stop the war, the crisis will continue. In addition, the rise of right-wing political forces has led to the phenomenon of democracy being challenged. In the other hand, terrorism still threatens us even if the Islamic State was “demolished”, because it was changing to another form of existence. Also, whether the EU is going to integrated well or break away depends on the interests of the member states who are taking care of the refugees. Therefore, the gap between time and distance under the globalization is diminishing and the influence in the regions are bound to become greater. In the end, this research wishes to stress that humanity and human dignity will be the final recommendations. These are also suggestion to instill democratic values in an era where challenges to the mobilization of bias, and ultimately achieve the peace we long look forward to.


示芒,2015,〈名存實亡的「都柏林規定」〉,《歐洲動態》,http://europechinese.blogspot.com/2015/09/blog-post_7.html (2019.05.16查閱)
