  • 學位論文


Location Model for Handicapped and Disabled Bus Service Allocation

指導教授 : 張學孔
共同指導教授 : 陳柏華(Albert Y. Chen)


台灣已經邁入高齡化社會,人民對於無障礙運輸的需求日益增加,復康巴士即是基於此一思維而提供的公共運輸服務。復康巴士係屬於「需求反應式公共運輸系統」(DRTS),其服務對象除特定之身障人士外,將來亦可能包括非特定對象的其他乘客。需求反應之撥召系統提供每位需求客製化運輸服務,然而由於路線、班次及站位皆不固定,所以在經營之規劃角度與一般運輸系統有所不同。 復康巴士場站區位選擇不僅影響運輸路徑,甚至影響車隊最適規模;因此,如何權衡場站成本、車隊成本、運輸成本以及乘客服務品質以選擇良好場站設置區位,實為重要之課題。本研究主要目的係針對復康巴士場站之區位選擇問題,利用二元整數規劃模式建構一包含使用者旅行時間成本、營運成本與場站成本之總成本函數,期能在總成本最小化目標下求解最佳場站區位和車隊規模。 研究中並以台北市復康巴士進行數值實例以驗證模式之適用性,其結果顯示,在台北市總需求人數為每小時92人情形下,所需車輛數為37輛,場站需建置5個,分別為北投區、士林區、內湖區、萬華區及文山區。敏感度分析顯示決策變數受需求人數、車輛乘載人數、車小時成本之影響相當顯著。本研究建立之模式及分析結果,可作為規劃階段復康巴士及DRTS場站區位最佳化設計之參考。


The demand of barrier free transportation has increased due to the aging society in Taiwan. Handicapped & Disabled Bus (named as Fu-kang Bus in Taiwan), one of the Demand Responsive Transit Service (DRTS), can provide a more convenient transport service for people moving with difficulty, enhancing their quality of life. As Fu-kang Bus has features of dial-a-ride system operating in shared-ride mode and providing door-to-door services according to passenger’s needs, it is necessary to consider its system planning and design from a different point of view to compare it with conventional public transit systems having fixed route and frequency. The allocation of depot location not only affects the travel distances but also fleet size of the Fu-kang bus operation. Therefore, it is essential to include depot cost, operation cost and passenger cost simultaneously when determining the optimal depot location. This study aims to develop a binary integer programming model to analyze optimized location and fleet size of Fu-kang Bus while minimum total system cost is considered as the objective function. Taipei City is used as the numerical example to verify the applicability of the model developed. The numerical results show that the optimal scale of depots is five and the fleet size is 37 given the current operational environment and demand. Sensitive analysis is also conducted to evaluate the effects of important parameters on the decision variables and system design. It is shown that demand density, vehicle load factor and vehicle hourly cost are most sensitive to the total cost. The model and analysis results of this study could be used as a guideline for design and planning of DRTS and handicapped and disabled transportation services.


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