  • 學位論文


The Subjectivity of Social Actors of New Media Social Movement- the case of Anti-Black Box Curriculum

指導教授 : 張錦華


2015年的五月開始,台灣的新聞媒體上出現高中職學生反對課綱微調而行動的身影,這是台灣歷史上,第一次由高中職學生為行動主體的社會運動。這場運動稱為反黑箱課綱微調運動。主因是高中生反對教育部與國家教育研究院在2013年以不公開的方式進行了高中國文和社會領域課綱微調。隨著公民團體、學者和教師等陸續針對課綱調整提出異議,認為課綱調整在程序上有嚴重瑕疵,內容更明顯違反學科專業,全台各地的高中職學生紛紛響應,透過新媒體的使用,進行線上的串聯,與線下的實際行動。 針對反對黑箱課綱微調運動,本研究將聚焦於此運動中參與學生的新媒體使用,採取深度訪談法,共訪問了十一名參與反黑箱課綱微調運動的學生。理論依據是法國學者Alain Touraine行動者主體理論,並加以修正,從三個面向,剖析行動者所展現的主體性與主體化過程。 研究發現,首先,在「個人主體」部分,學生們因課綱調整所引發的焦慮感,迫使他們投入運動,他們希望社會能正視學生的聲音,並將自己打造成維持公平正義的公民。在「社群主體」面向,參與學生透過新媒體工具以集結組織;他們學習溝通妥協、營造社群認同的同時,也要求維持自主性。整體運動也是這群高中學生蛻變為「歷史主體」,不但重塑了自我價值和公民意識,並進而因為推動社會改革,促成了課綱政策的宏觀改變。


From May 2015, some high school and vocational high school students began protesting against curriculum changes mainly through new media. In Taiwan, this social movement is the first one raised mainly by high school and vocational high school students. This movement is called Anti-Black-Box Curriculum Movement. Because the protest students claimed that the Ministry of Education attempted to modify the guidelines of Chinese language and social studies textbook in violation of administrative procedures and that the contents of the new curriculum were not professional. The protest students in the movement used the new media to connect with others online and to launch various protests in the real world. They have successfully inspired students everywhere in Taiwan to respond to this movement. This paper focuses on the social networks settled by these high school students. Meanwhile, this paper shows how the high school students have constructed their subjectivity through different phases in this movement with Touraine's notion of social actor and subjectivity. This paper used the research method of in-depth interview and has interviewed eleven high school students who have participated the movement. The research found that there are three phases for these students to build up their subjectivity. The first phase was to become an ethical subject, i.e., students felt the anxiety of black-box process of curricula modification and decided to participate the movement. Those students interviewed considered that the society should respect their thoughts and they wanted to play a role as a citizen who cares about the fairness and justice of public policy. The second phase is communal subjectivity, that is, students learned to align other groups and try to cooperate and negotiate with various opinions. In the same time, they also tried to keep their autonomy and maintain their community identification. The third phase is the historic subjectivity, which means that these high school students have developed their social role and cultural values, as well as have changed social policies.


夏曉娟(2006)。〈新移民運動的形成——差異政治、主體化與社會性運動〉,《臺灣社會研究季刊》,(61), 1-71.


