  • 學位論文


The Concept of “Fairness” in Haruki Murakami’s Literature –Focus on Norwegian Wood, Dance Dance Dance, and South of the Border, West of the Sun–

指導教授 : 范淑文


在全球皆瀰漫著自由的氣氛中,學運等社會運動所要求的主軸其實也就是公平與公正的概念,此概念可以包含階級、貧富,甚至是性別。村上春樹的作品中,經常是以男性視點進行分析與考察,但是從另一方面來看,女性角色也是構成作品、影響主角不可忽視的存在。女性在作品中除了扮演促使主角成長的角色之外,也經常被定位為「靈媒」,以日本學運盛行的1960年代為背景的『挪威的森林』中,直子即為一例。但是這樣的論述卻未考慮到作品背景的設定,且直子亦在信中向主角「僕」提到「公正」,且在接下來的劇情中反覆出現此詞彙,顯示出此概念對直子的重要性,作品中其他三位女性亦然。然而卻沒有深入被探討,因此本論文承襲先行研究的論點,並著眼於女性角色在此時期身處的地位與追求的價值觀,透過她們的表現去分析「公正」的意義。   接著,『挪威的森林』問世後隔年出版的『舞舞舞』同樣在作品中反覆提到「公正」概念,只是舞台背景轉換至1980年代高度發展的資本主義,而此概念亦在以同樣的背景書寫而成的『國境之南,太陽之西』中出現。此兩部作品中的女性更是將追求「公正」的期望寄託在主角身上,可說是在漠視女性權利的日本社會中,唯有讓男性也明白「公正」的重要性,才能真正落實其概念。但是透過本論文的考察,在此兩部作品中,主角皆未真正實現「公正」,也就是說,在這個追求私利的社會中,「公正」往往會被犧牲與忽略,而流於形式化。   藉由本論文的考察,除了可得知「公正」的概念如何貫穿此三部作品,也可得知女性角色的死亡、殞落或消失,即代表著女性對於權利被漠視的無聲反抗。


This dissertation investigates the concept of “fairness” and how this concept works in literary texts of Haruki Murakami. While critics mainly discuss main male characters, I focus on female character’s activities. The reason of choosing female characters to discuss is that in texts of Haruki Murakami, I found that fairness is mentioned by female characters frequently. And the concept of “fairness” is seldom explored. However, I argue that this concept can’t be ignored when discussing female characters. The definition of “fairness” is “the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable” by the dictionary. Of course in the texts of Haruki Murakami, female characters want to be fair in all relationships, but they failed in the end. Some of them chose to suicide, and some of them run away from the reality. I would like to analyze how they pursue “fairness” in relationships and how they work the concept in relationships by the background of texts(1960s’~1980s’) and analytical psychology. This dissertation includes three chapters. Chapter one, I’ll discuss the concept of “fairness” in Norwegian Wood. The late 1960s is the start of Zenkyoutou(全共闘), which is started by students who pursue fairness and protect rights of studying. I wonder that the background influences characters the most. I analyze the concept of “fairness” by activities of Naoko, Midori, Reiko, and Hatsumi, and the concept is based on relationship which they pursue. Chapter two, I’ll focus on Yumiyoshi, Yuki, Kiki, and other prostitutes in Dance Dance Dance. The background of the text, 1980s’ is the period of highly developed of economy in Japan, and it is referenced strongly in the text. In this chapter, I’ll investigate how those female characters act fairness in the society of capitalism and consumerism . Chapter three, by analyzing Simamoto, Izumi, Yukiko in South of the Border, West of the Sun to discuss the concept of “fairness”. The background is the same as Dance Dance Dance. However, the concept of fairness is not realized in Dance Dance Dance. In this chapter, I would like to analyze how do characters face the failure of cannot realize the concept of fairness. And finally consolidate the concept of “fairness” in Haruki Murakami’s literary texts.


1. 村上春樹(1991)村上春樹全作品1979~1989⑥『ノルウェイの森』講談社
2. 村上春樹(1991)村上春樹全作品1979~1989⑦『ダンス・ダンス・ダンス』講談社
3. 村上春樹(2003)『村上春樹全作品1990~2000②国境の南、太陽の西 スプートニクの恋人』講談社
