  • 學位論文


Shaping Collectives: New Faces of Wang Xizhi's Lanting Gathering Tradition in the Qing Dynasty (17th and 18th Centuries)

指導教授 : 黃蘭翔 石守謙


本論文以十七世紀後半至十八世紀之宮廷內、外續蘭亭會為研究對象,主要想了解清代「續蘭亭會」在王羲之集會的參考模式下,如何透過「物」的製作,完成「塑造群體」的目標,進而了解這些調整與改變,在蘭亭傳統的延續上發揮了甚麼樣的重要性。王羲之蘭亭會因產出《蘭亭序》名蹟而為後代一再追仿,這個可供後代續蘭亭會進行「調整」之「紀念物」製作,可用以展現不同的文化趣味與社群品味。這個調整的過程與趣味的創造,同時可藉以展現該群體之文化資本(如收藏、畫家資源等)、學術興趣,突顯該群體的特殊性格,因此也利於作用在「塑造群體」上。要之,本文將續蘭亭會之空間設計、活動安排及紀念物的創造等,視為一個有機的結構性組合,在此結構性組合上,討論其每個環節所具有的意義。 本文以第二章為始,梳理「曲水流觴」及修禊活動之早期現象,並討論王羲之蘭亭會如何在唐代成為歷史典範。第三章是以清宮內部之流杯建構與「紀念物」的製作為中心,探討康熙、乾隆兩位皇帝如何透過流杯亭的建造及使用,來塑造帝王與臣子、外藩間之群體感。本文第四、五章,將焦點轉往宮廷外部,檢視同時期地方所發生之續蘭亭會的發展。第四章回顧紹興蘭亭在清初康熙、乾隆兩位帝王時期的整修狀況,以及地方官員與地區菁英如何透過續蘭亭會的舉辦以「塑造群體」,聯手恢復地方榮耀的過程。第五章,筆者挑選了兩個成功透過續蘭亭會之「紀念物」的製作,以達「塑造群體」期待的地方社群。分別為紹興知府李亨特及畢沅幕僚劉錫嘏所主持的續蘭亭會。這兩個集會都是由幕僚團體所組織。此二集會對蘭亭傳統的調整,主要呈現在「紀念物」的製作上,這樣的「紀念」方式有別於過去的蘭亭傳統,甚有新意。第六章,則討論了十九、二十世紀中、日、韓、臺灣等地之續蘭亭會個案,以及為本論文研究作一總結。 總之,本文從「集會」的角度,透過對「紀念物」與「塑造群體」之運作觀察出發,試圖說明以往不受重視之清代續蘭亭會,在蘭亭傳統發展上的重要性。


This dissertation centers on the continuation of the Lanting Gathering (Orchid Pavilion Gathering) in and out of the Qing court during the late seventeenth century and eighteenth century. By examining how the model of the Wang Xizhi-led gathering was referred to and continued in the Qing dynasty, this dissertation explores how the making of objects came to shape a collective and what crucial roles the adjustments and changes made to the gatherings have played in continuing the Lanting tradition. The Lanting Gathering led by Wang Xizhi has been followed and imitated in later generations for its production of Lanting Xu (Preface to the Poems Collected from the Orchid Pavilion). The making of such a poetic work—a memorial open to changes by later generations—provides an opportunity to demonstrate different cultural interests and community tastes. Both the process of making changes and the creation of tastes showcased a collective’s cultural capital (i.e., collections and painters’ resources) and scholarly interests, highlighting the unique character and thus conducing to the shaping of the collective. Importantly, this dissertation deems the spatial design, activity arrangement, and memorial creation of the continued Lanting Gatherings an organic and structural constitution, and probes the implications of these constituents. In Chapter 2, this dissertation details the early implementation of qushui liushang (Floating Wine Cups on a Winding Stream) and xiuxi (purification ceremony) while discussing how Wang’s Lanting Gathering became a historical paradigm in the Tang dynasty. Chapter 3 focuses on the establishment of liubei (floating cup) and the making of memorials in the Qing court to explore how Kangxi and Qianlong built and adopted Liubei Pavilion (Floating Cup Pavilion) to create a sense of collectivity among the emperor, subjects, and vassal states. Chapters 4 and 5 shift the focus to the local development of the continued Lanting Gatherings outside the court in the same period. Chapter 4 reviews the renovations of Lanting in Shaoxing during the reign of Kangxi and Qianlong in the early Qing dynasty. Moreover, it examines the process of how local officials and elites continued the Lanting Gathering to build a collective and thus collaboratively restore local glories. In Chapter 5, the author provides two examples of successful local community development, namely the continued Lanting Gatherings directed by Shaoxing prefect Li Hengte and Bi Yuan’s staff member Liu Xigu. Organized by staff members, both gatherings aptly exemplify how the making of memorials for the events fulfilled the expectation of shaping collectives. The changes made by the two gatherings to the Lanting tradition are mainly reflected on the making of memorials. Their modes of commemoration were distinct from the tradition in an innovative way. Chapter 6 discusses the cases of the continued Lanting Gathering in places such as China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and provides a conclusion to the dissertation. In summary, the dissertation observes the practice of memorial making and collective shaping through the lens of gatherings to elaborate on the importance of the continued Lanting Gatherings in the Qing dynasty, a previously neglected field of study, to the development of the Lanting tradition.


