  • 學位論文


Exploring Online Book-Reviewers’ Motives for Writings, Selection and Use Experience of Websites

指導教授 : 林珊如


網路社群成功發展的關鍵,除了該平台所提供的功能及服務須符合使用者需求外,尚須依賴使用者主動發表相關資訊或分享經驗,以充實網站上的內容。爰此,本研究從網路書評發表者的角度出發,探詢他們的書寫動機、平台選擇及使用經驗,以了解哪些因素可能影響他們的書寫行為與使用行為,以供圖書館及相關機構設計網路閱讀社群平台功能及活動。 本研究採半結構式訪談方法,從aNobii、iReading、無名小站、痞客邦及其他相關平台中尋找受訪者,共25位網路書評發表者進行訪談。研究結果依據研究問題分為以下四項陳述: 「網路書評書寫動機」─大多數受訪者為了個人閱讀記錄、抒發閱讀心得感想而進行網路書評的發表,而促使他們持續發表行為的原因,除了持續原有的閱讀記錄外,社群成員間的激勵與閱讀活動的誘發亦相當重要。 「平台選擇暨使用經驗」─因朋友間口耳相傳、互相介紹而開始接觸、進而使用社群平台者居多;但是在挑選平台時,該平台上所提供的系統功能是否符合使用者需求則是關鍵,特別是書籍管理、資料備份、版面設定等功能。而書籍記錄管理的完整性與容易度、以及社群成員熟悉與否,則可能會影響他們的平台忠誠度,即持續使用特定平台的意願。 「社群互動經驗」─網路書評發表者可以從社群互動中,獲得兩種類型的回饋,分別為系統即時統計數據,及參加活動所能獲得的實質獎勵;而社群成員間互動所帶來的影響,包括能夠擴展社交網絡、拓展閱讀視野、並激勵書評發表行為。 「圖書館平台建置想法」─多數受訪者對使用圖書館所建置的網路閱讀社群平台有所疑慮,歸納七點包括:『使用人數問題』、『書庫豐富度怕不足』、『真實身分洩漏的顧慮』、『身分使用限制』、『借閱記錄互通問題』、『內容管理問題』、『系統品質疑慮』。受訪者建議圖書館能『舉辦主題活動』、『跨越地域身分的限制』、『提供虛擬身分的設定』以及『提供整合性資源』。 根據研究結果,本研究對網路閱讀社群平台提出五項建議:第一,「書寫動機」─透過舉辦活動提高發表意願;第二,「平台選用」─提供資料備份功能以提升使用意願;第三,「持續使用」─提供個人化設定留住使用者;第四,「社群互動」─減少使用者同步發布的程序;第五,「平台建置」─提供資源整合後的主題內容。


The aim of this study is to explore online book reviewers’ motives for writings, selection and use experience of websites. Based on these analyses, libraries and the organizations concerned could better develop system’s usability and activity for online reading community. This study conducted semi-structured interview to collect data. A total of 25 online book-reviewers were collected by purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. Subjects of this study have been chosen from aNobii, iReading, Wretch, Pixnet and other online bookshelves or blogs for posting book reviews. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: “Motives for writing online book review”─ The initial motivation of writing online book review is to keep reading records. Besides, community members’ interactions and activities are two vital factors to continuous writing. “Selection and use experience of websites”─ Book reviewers start to participate in online reading community because of friends’ recommendations. Systems’ usability is the key point when selecting websites, system performance such as books management, data backup and interface design, etc. The integrity of reading records and social networks of community members will affect their website loyalty. “Experience of members’ interaction”─ Online book-reviewers can get two kinds of feedback from community members’ interactions. One is system’s up-to-date statistics, including numbers of visitors, and etc. Another is material incentives, which can get from participating in reading activities. Effects of members’ interaction are broadening book reveiewers’ reading tastes, strengthen their social networks, and stimulating their writing behaviors. “Suggestions for library website”─ Most interviewee lack the willingness to participate in a library online reading community. Some doubts have been mentioned as follows: lack of critical mass of users, not enough types of book in online bookshelf, lack of anonymity, questions about time and location flexibility due to different types of libraries, questions about system maintenance, and concerns about privacy and safety. This research proposes five suggestions to better develop online reading community. First, organize online or offline events to arouse members’ willingness to participate. Second, provide data backup function to enhance willingness to use. Third, provide personalization service to keep more users, since personalized interface will create a sense-of-place . Fourth, provide flexible gathering places to support sub groups interaction. Fifth, provide integrated subject information to gather users of different reading tastes.




