  • 學位論文


Study on Code System in Function Analysis of Value Engineering -Taipei MRT construction for Example

指導教授 : 曾惠斌
共同指導教授 : 廖慶隆


價值分析(或稱價值工程、價值管理)是Lawrence D. Miles先生在40年代初所創立,主要是探討如何使用最省的資源發揮最大價值,以應大戰時期物資缺乏,其後,Charles Bytheway延續Lawrence D. Miles價值分析概念,發展出系統話機能分析方法論並在1965年SAVE年會中發表。藉此方法能察覺達到產品相同功能的新方式或是替代方案。 標準的價值工程研析流程包含八至九個步驟,機能分析這個階段包含成本(價值)分析,是價值工程的核心。一個適切的機能分析能產出適當的替代方案,以提供決策者對於產品或是服務更好的方案選擇。臺北市政府捷運工程局具有20年的價值工程研析經驗,許多捷運設施都已經被討論與研析過,也已建立一個價值工程成本資料庫的架構,惟隨著研析人員的背景與經歷不同,以及營建工程低重複性的特性,加上一個計畫的機能經常是多變的與相互牽連,常導致價工的效果降低,研析成果往往也具有相當的差異性。而利用以往眾多訊息,尋找相關規則,提供後續研析者參照,產生更精準的研析成果,是以往鮮見的研究。 本研究以臺北捷運土城線、新莊線與信義線等相關價值工程研析成果報告為基礎,參考國內外相關文獻,探討價值工程包含成本架構、機能種類與機能等資料特性,並建立編碼系統為輔,發掘過去資訊可歸納整合之知識,提供後續使用者迅速參閱與決策等使用。


The Concept of Value Analysis was first developed by Lawrence D. Miles – the Father of Value Analysis at 1940’. Miles used it to find out difficulties in satisfying requirements to fill shortage of resource during World War II. Later, Charles Bytheway extended Mile's function analysis concepts and introduced the methodology called Function Analysis Systems Technique (FAST) to the Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) at their International Convention in 1965. This model provides new insights and opens opportunities to apply creativity to develop new ways, or alternative ways of accomplishing these functions. Standard procedure of a VE study consists of 8 or 9 stages commonly; function analysis is the core process than others usually. A good analysis can give a better alternative plan of product or service for decision maker. DORTS (Department of Rapid Transit System, Taipei City Government) has been running VE for over 20 years, most important function parts of the project have been discussed, and also has established 「VE cost database」 on IT system, But along with the participant’s background, different companies, lack of a proper information system assistance etc., the results of function analysis and alternative suggestions are also quite different. By the way, there isn’t any relevant research of seeking a rule from those informations to assist participants to produce a more precisely analysis. This research base on VE analysis from VE projects of Taipei MRT Xinzhuang line and the Xinyi line’s. Expecting this research can provide VE participant’s a better way to look back and mining effective information from them.


[23] 行政院公共工程委員會, 2001, 『公共工程施工綱要規範實施要點』
[24] 行政院公共工程委員會, 2001, 『公共工程綱要編碼』
[25] 行政院公共工程委員會, 2002, 『替代方案實施辦法』
[26] 行政院公共工程委員會, 2003, 『公共工程綱要編碼使用說明V4.0』
[27] 行政院公共工程委員會, 2007, 『政府採購法』第35條


