  • 學位論文

通路策略調整之研究 -- 以反敗為勝的韓國市場為例

Transformation of Channel Strategy - A turnaround case in Korea

指導教授 : 謝明慧


台灣一直以來以製造代工為主體,研發行銷方面較弱,對於以產品行銷的企業或是經營市場的品牌商,銷售通路的掌握成為經營市場成功的關鍵因素。在面對競爭對手的通路策略調整的頻率和力道時,絕大多數企業都會不斷的對自己的通路政策進行相應的調整,有時是全面調整,有時則是小修改,在不同時期企業可能擁有不同的通路模式。當要調整通路策略時,需要投入一定的人力、物力及財力,對相應的經銷商來進行不同的支援。 本論文架構是以進入海外市場的經營策略開始,面對韓國這個語言文字和台灣不同的目標市場,以不同時期的環境變遷,區分為三個經營階段來研究。隨著韓國經濟局勢的變化,對於每一個時期所面臨到的競爭環境與通路結構變化,需要隨時做經營策略上的調整,甚至不惜更換合作多年的代理商來尋求穩定長遠的事業發展。透過個案的敘述與分析,我們可以了解韓國早期傳統通路結構與目前五大通路與各家品牌間彼此的消長變化。 面對多變的通路結構及同業間彼此競爭的威脅下,最重要的是經營者的 因應策略能否發揮功效。在每個階段中我們可以看到個案公司提出了有效的通路經營策略,以及相對應的新產品開發策略、品牌行銷策略、及組織架構調整,終能在競爭的環境中反敗為勝,站穩韓國市場。本研究是透過電子辭典在韓國銷售通路裡所發生的故事來分析,在相關的文獻資料與市場訊息中,清楚看到這個產業在面對競爭環境下的起伏與發展。希望藉由此篇論文能拋磚引玉,讓有興趣經營通路品牌或海外市場產品銷售的企業可以參考,尤其是當產品在通路流通前後,能做出適當的調整,提高企業競爭力,創造最大的業績利潤。


五大通路 通路策略


In Taiwan, OEM is the pillar industry for many enterprises, but their marketing abilities are still in a weak state. As for marketing oriented corporate or market branding commerce, managing sales channels is becoming a key factor for success in the marketplace. Competing with the counterparts using the changes in the frequency and strength for sales channels, most enterprises carry out continuous relative adjustments to their own business models, and sometimes it could lead to either a radical change or a small adjustment. The models of sales channels of each business might alter with times, while channel strategy adjustments should go hand in hand with service innovation, providing certain dealers with more manpower, financial and material resources. The basic structure of this dissertation is to start with the operation strategy of overseas market access and the three operation steps categorized by environment changes in different periods are going to be shown when in front of Korea that has a different native language from Taiwan. When there are changes in the economic situation of Korea and even in the whole competition environment and channel strategy, they should make adjustments to their operation strategy even at a cost to replace the long term dealership to keep a stable development. A case study will also be analysed to help understand the early traditional channel structures, the current five sales channels, and changes of growth and decline. Under the pressure of market turmoil and fierce competition, the most important point is determined by the effectiveness of entrepreneurs’ decisions. In each step, we can see the effective channel operation strategy, new product innovation, brand marketing strategy and organizational structure adjustments that the case company came up with. With these strategies, the company has an opportunity to turn defeat into victory in such a competitive market and be able to consolidate the market in Korea. This paper will focus on the consumer market development of electronic dictionaries through sales channels in Korea via a range of related paperwork and market information. As a paper to arouse the interests of several overseas market sale enterprises, especially for making appropriate adjustments to see the best selling strategies in order to enhance the enterprises competitiveness for the utmost market profit in the business .




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