  • 學位論文


The Service Design of the Smart Technology Application in Business Travel

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


根據世界觀光旅遊委員會年提出的商務旅遊研究報告指出(WTTC, 2011),全球頻繁的商業旅行活動可被視為助於增進經濟表現的催化劑,而隨著商業貿易活動快速全球化發展,商務旅行的必要性日益增加,因此,本研究希望針對目標客群「商務旅客」的旅行需求提出結合智慧科技的商務旅遊服務設計,以提供商務旅客更便利完善的商務旅遊體驗。 本研究針對商務旅客的工作與觀光旅遊需求,透過結合智慧城市的即時地方資訊,以及整合平台外部旅遊相關、平台內部各功能之間資訊的構想,共同提出整合多元資源的「智慧商務旅遊服務平台」服務設計。平台採用「B to B to C」的銷售方式,並以行動裝置為平台服務主要媒介,平台服務供應者推行產品給各具有商務旅遊活動的公司企業,並且合作彈性管理平台商務資訊服務內容,再由各公司企業推行給內部商務旅遊人士使用,以整合商務服務資源並提升服務資訊的正確實用性,也增加使用意願及信任感。服務功能的內容上,依據商務旅遊人士所需要的「旅遊服務(Leisure)」和「工作模式(Business)」兩類服務模式分別設計出5個服務群組共11項服務功能,並且將服務內容具有潛在關聯性的各個功能之間建立資訊整合網絡,達到旅遊資訊服務化繁為簡的便利使用成效。 本研究中,主要針對平台的目標顧客設定與推行方式、服務功能說明、功能資訊流示意說明、服務藍圖、商業模式畫布說明和服務價值方面進行探討,接著透過半結構式深入訪談三位商務旅遊服務領域專家的方式對服務設計進行驗證,並透過詮釋分析訪談結果對「智慧商務旅遊服務平台」服務設計提出三項主要修正: (1) 推行目標可包含旅行社和中小型企業兩類。(2) 服務功能應加入「專人客服諮詢」的服務。(3) 服務功能可獨立發展,增加服務推行可行性。「智慧商務旅遊服務平台」是綜合商務工作資訊輔助管理與觀光旅遊服務的整合性平台,能將工作、觀光行程資訊密切銜接,並加入智慧城市資源和公司商務旅遊管理,共同達到提升服務內容正確、即時、實用和信任的價值,幫助商務旅客順利完成工作任務並充分體驗當地觀光活動。未來相關研究可以探討平台的科技層面以及如何加強商業模式競爭力發展。


According to the business travel research, the frequent business travel around the globe could be considered as a catalyst for economic performance (WTTC, 2011). With the corporates globalization and international distributions, the importance of business travel has become more significant in the travel industry. While the majority of travel services are focusing on general tourists, this study aims to build the service design that targeting the business travelers. And the service design would be mainly based on smart technology application to provide useful services that meet the needs of business travelers. To provide information that assists business travelers in completing their working schedule and leisure activities efficiently, the study builds the Smart Business Travel Service Platform, which acquiring travel resources as well as environmental data from smart city resources. The platform has Business and Leisure service modes with total 11 functions each, and the information flows within and between the related service functions and resource bases will be fully integrated and synchronized. With the use of B2B2C strategy, the platform service supplier coordinates with companies to set up business travel management details and to embed business travel related content in the platform Business mode. Then the platform would be the useful and reliable travel assistance facility to the business traveler, promoting by both the supplier and the company. Following on the basic idea of the platform service design, this study adopts concepts of service-blueprinting, business model canvas and value co-creation to provide a further understanding of the design. The study examines the platform service design for its adequacy and quality by the in-depth interview method. The result interpretation indicates the adjustments of three main things (1) Includes both travel agency and company as target customer. (2) Provide Online Customer Service to improve overall service efficiency. (3) Develop each service function as its own with nearly independent input/ output base to get the flexibility of service promotion and customization. The Smart Business Travel Service Platform helps users to accomplish the work missions effectively and to experience leisure activities easily by integrating relevant travel planning resources and allying with business companies. Together the platform provides the users with correct, certified, and in time information that could utilize with smart technology to create value in use. The future study on related topic could be focusing on studying the technology options and competitive business model.


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