  • 學位論文


Automatic Negotiation with Mediated Agents in E-commerce Marketplace

指導教授 : 傅立成


隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,釵h企業組織面臨挑戰與瓶頸,他們的經營環境愈來愈趨於自由化、全球化及資訊化,另一方面,顧客關係管理也逐漸受到相當程度的重視,因此,製造商必須同時掌握品質、交貨日期與成本等競爭因素,所以,諸多企業不斷地提升本身製程能力,並且謹慎地進行供應商管理,才能確保最終產品與服務的品質,讓顧客滿足其需求。過去,公司內部如行銷、生產、採購等各部門往往各自為政,缺乏良好的溝通,公司之間缺乏良好的溝通橋樑,但這種方式在資訊驟變的環境下,公司將會失去其競爭優勢,故企業之間的整合和溝通日趨重要。 根據上述問題的描述,我們設計了一個媒介代理人的架構(Agent-Mediated E-mart Framework),將企業間商業流程整合起來,在這個架構下,公司不但可透過合作結盟的方式,來增加本身的能力,而且,買賣雙方可利用中間代理人,來完成合適的配對,除此之外,一旦雙方交易關係確定,本研究採取自動化協商的方式,讓使用者得到最大的利益。最後,會以實驗數據來說明協商的結果和參與者的滿意程度。


With the rising of Internet many online bargains successfully replace transactions in traditional market. Users can search proper goods/services through the Internet at any moment, and purchase them conveniently by e-cash or credit card everywhere. Therefore, we try to develop an advanced mechanism to integrate a series of processes of E-procurement, to facilitate every participant to perform bargains conveniently, and to obtain the largest benefits everywhere. Based on the above perspectives, an Agent-Mediated E-mart Framework is proposed in this these. It is a superior solution that integrates the processes of business transactions, and maximizes benefits for buyers and sellers. We accomplish several commerce related tasks in E-marketplace, such as partnership alliance, merchant brokering, and automatic negotiations in this framework. Especially, two automatic negotiations are applied to reach an agreement according to users’ choices. These achievements mark the most important stages of E-procurement in E-marketplace. In addition to the development of this framework, this thesis also provides several experiments that show the satisfactory outcomes of automatic negotiations. By these simulated experiments, we demonstrate that this framework not only integrates the processes of the E-procurement but also fulfills the automatic negotiation through intelligent agents.


Gene Broker Automatic Negotiation E-marketplace


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