  • 學位論文


Studies on Health Product Dispensing Machines Market Segmentations: An Application of Conjoint Analysis

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


中文摘要   早期的醫療相關產業,包含健康食品、醫療器材等,大多由實體通路提供服務及販售,爾後逐漸拓展至虛擬通路,如包含網路服務等電子商務方式的異業結盟。早期的自動販賣機販賣的是飲料類商品,隨著資訊技術的進步,自動販售藥品機並配置急救用具應運而生,自動販賣機已可具備緊急醫療的功能。   醫療產業結合自動販賣機,儼然成為未來新一代醫療產業的服務趨勢,即時提供需求者所需服務的高效率性可成為醫療產業之新商機,透過健康自動販賣機,間接提昇醫療產值。緣此,本研究擬藉由聯合分析法,探討健康自動販賣機的消費最佳屬性組合,及其最適行銷策略。   本研究運用聯合分析法,採用問卷設計,加以探討健康自動販賣機在行銷策略上之運用,其中,資料蒐集方式採整體輪廓法,而受測體描述則使用文字描述法,並以Likert區間尺度進行應變數衡量。   本研究有效問卷共計85份,實證所得之結果中,本研究所探討之地點、服務及價格三種屬性中,整體受訪者最重要的是價格屬性。此外,分別以性別、婚姻狀況、年齡、職業、月所得及教育程度進行受訪者之區隔,除民營企業受訪者外,其它族群受訪者均顯示價格屬性最為重要。而在屬性二(服務)及屬性三(地點)則無法藉由受訪者區隔有效區分偏好程度。因此,欲進行健康自動販賣機通路之拓展,首要之準則即為價格因素,廠商制定行銷策略時,亦需以價格作為重要考量要素。


英文摘要 THESIS ABSTRACT SENIOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY NAME:Kuo-Ho, Yang MONTH/YEAR:June, 2009 ADVISER:Heng-Chiang Huang, Ph.D. TITLE:Studies on Health Product Dispensing Machines Market Segmentations: An Application of Conjoint Analysis   As the information technology grows, vending machine could provide medicine and first-aid equipment in addition to drinks in the early days. Integrating medical service with vending machine becomes the trend of the next generation of medical service. The best product combinations and marketing strategy for health product vending machine will be proposed in this thesis by applying conjoint analysis.   Other than conjoint analysis, a survey will be used to demonstrate that the overall respondents thought the most important attribute is price among other factors. Also, the respondents’ preference can’t be segmented efficiently by second attribute (service) and third attribute (location). Therefore, price is the first concerned for retail channel of health product vending machine and the most important factor for enterprises to make the market strategy.


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