  • 學位論文


The Impact of OBM and Industry Clusters on the Performance of China’s Fitness Equipment Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 鄧志松
共同指導教授 : 唐代彪


本文利用空間分析方法探討自創品牌與產業聚集對中國健身器材製造業經營績效之影響,研究對象為2007年中國五項健身器材相關產業,共421家廠商。藉由空間分析軟體計算相關變數,藉由控制廠商特性因素的同時,亦控制廠商所在位置之空間區位因素,探討自創品牌與產業聚集對經營績效的實質影響。 實證結果得知,相較於代工廠商,自創品牌廠商的經營績效較好;100km聚集圈內的廠商確有發揮產業聚集的外部效果,透過資源共享和資訊的流通,聚集圈內的廠商有較突出的獲利表現;此外,儘管在中國健身器材產業內,陸資廠商的規模遠小於外資廠商,且在技術和產品設計上也處於劣勢,導致在商用健身器材和高端家用健身產品上難以與國外大廠相抗衡,但掌握銷售通路的陸資自創品牌商,採取有效率的「二八法則」,自創品牌對經營績效的效果反而較國際品牌廠商更為顯著。 最後,本文也發現,廠商特性因素中的資產總額、資產勞動比、外銷比例對經營績效有負面的影響;空間區位因素中的廠商所在區域之公路密度、距離港口距離與勞動力成本,皆會影響到經營績效。


In this paper, the spatial analysis method was used to explore the impact of OBM and industry cluster on operating performance of China’s fitness equipment manufacturing industry.The subjects were 421 companies in China’s fitness-related industries in 2007.After the related variables were calculated by spatial analysis softwares, the real impact of OBM and industry cluster on operating performance can be realized by controlling manufacturers characteristic factors and spatial location factors. Empirical results shoe that own brand manufacturers have better operating performance than original equig pment manufactures in China’s fitness equipment manufacturing industry. The firms inside the 100km cluster circle have better operating performance through resource sharing. The external effects from industry cluster have positive effects on business performance. Even though the scale of investment, manufacturing technology and design ability of China firms are inferior to foreign firms, result in China firms hard to compete with foreign firms in commercial and high level home fitness market. The China own brand manufacturers have more significant advantages than foreign own brand manufacturers by taking an efficient Pareto principle. In addition, the paper also found that total assets, capital-labor ratio and the proportion of export factors have significant negative impact on business performance. The other spatial location factors which like road density, the distance of port and average wage would affect business performance.


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