  • 學位論文


The geophysical study of underwater cultural heritage at the offshore Changhua, Taiwan

指導教授 : 宋國士


隨著科技的進步,人們得以發現埋藏在水下多年的文化資產,但也因為科技的進步,使得這些在水下沉睡已久的文化資產,有了被破壞或是被盜採的風險。為了保存、保護及管理這些珍貴的水下文化資產,2001年聯合國教育科學及文化組織頒布了「水下文化遺產保護公約」,希望能有效的保護。台灣四周環海,生活與海洋息息相關,為典型的海島國家。雖然台灣現今並非聯合國成員,亦非公約之當事國,但因應國際間對水下文化資產重視的增加,以海洋國家名號自稱的台灣應當不能忽視其重要性,故於2015年台灣政府頒布了「水下文化資產保存法」。在此法中,詳盡地對台灣水下文化資產的探查及保存做了規範及說明,但在其中仍有值得討論的地方。在這篇論文中,將會討論台灣水下文化資產調查的現況,並討論規範中每項調查的使用目標及企圖,探討其規劃與最終達成的效果是否相符,並實際以台灣彰化外海作為研究區域進行水下文資調查,本研究之主要目的在於探討同步使用側掃聲納、地層剖面儀、多音束測深儀及磁力儀,針對水下文資目標物進行偵搜、辨識與定位之具體成效。 研究步驟包括: 1.探討各項水下探測儀器之功能與其限制及目標物辨識之準則。 根據各儀器的特性,多音束測深儀所測得的水深資料依資料密度可適當表現海床高程起伏狀況;側掃聲納適合蒐集海床地貌影像,對海床上之目標物,具有良好的偵測、辨識與定位功能;地層剖面儀提供海底地層資訊,可藉此偵測被掩埋的目標物;磁力儀則能偵測環境磁場強度,藉以推斷鐵磁性目標物之位置及尺度。 2.以彰化外海水下文資目標物為探測實例。 3.從所發現的目標物影像中舉其幾個較具代表性者討論其不同儀器的影像解析與說明。並藉由不同儀器間的資料比對,探討在調查工作中各項調查是否有可更精進之處。


With the advancement of science and technology, people have been able to discover cultural assets that have been buried underwater for many years, but also because of technological advancement, these cultural assets that have been sleeping for a long time under water are at risk of being destroyed or stolen. In order to preserve, protect and manage these precious underwater cultural assets, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization promulgated the " Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage" in 2001, hoping to effectively protect them. Taiwan is surrounded by the ocean, and life is closely related to the ocean. It is a typical island country. Although Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations and is not a party to the convention, in response to the increasing international attention to underwater cultural assets, Taiwan, which claims to be a maritime nation, should not ignore its importance. Therefore, the Taiwan government issued a promulgation " Underwater Cultural Heritage Preservation Act " in 2015. In this law, the exploration and preservation of Taiwan's underwater cultural assets are regulated and explained in detail, but there are still some points worth discussing in it. In this paper, we will discuss the current status of the survey of underwater cultural assets in Taiwan, discuss the usage goals and attempts of each survey in the specification, and explore whether the plan is consistent with the final result, and actually take the offshore Changhua, Taiwan as the research underwater resources survey in the region. The main purpose of this study is to explore the specific effects of simultaneous use of side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, multi-beam echo sounder and magnetometer to detect, identify and locate underwater resources and targets.


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Wikimedia Commons, . Retrieved 12:43, 11月 13, 2020 from https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Side-scan_sonar.svg oldid=509970669.
