  • 學位論文


Review and Survey of Methods and Techniques in New Service Development Stages

指導教授 : 曹承礎


在服務業成為最主要經濟產值的今天,新服務發展已成為維持競爭優勢所不可或缺的,而依循一定的階段與程序,正式地發展新服務有助於新服務發展的成功。在新服務發展中有許多方法可以作為新服務發展或設計的指引與輔助,這些方法能在新服務發展過程中,幫助定義問題、更瞭解顧客並使新服務發展朝正確的方向運作。 本研究主要探討數個常見的方法論,包括情境分析法、前端客戶法、焦點團體法、聯合分析法、服務機能展開(service QFD)、失效模式與效果分析法(FMEA)、關鍵事件法,及服務品質法(SERVQUAL)。首先將上述幾個方法作介紹,包括主要運用在哪一階段、操作步驟、詢問顧客的問題或方式,及應用這些方法的新服務案例研究等。這些方法常在新產品發展上被運用,有一些研究曾提出關於是否採用這些方法的背後原因,這些原因(內部因素)包括了方法本身的一些特性,因此本研究考量這些特性,再加上新服務發展中的關鍵議題、在意的關鍵資源,整理出方法的重要特性,作為方法分類與比較的基礎。 根據上述的角度歸納出特性後,進一步運用個案分析的方式,探討這些方法在網路公司新服務發展上的應用情形。由於現今網路服務已成為不可忽視的服務項目之一,其中電子商務為網路產業發展最迅速的經濟型態,而台灣電子商務成長率快速、前景頗受看好,另外,由於台灣的部落格社群網站盛行,為網路上最熱門的活動之一,因而選擇電子商務與社群網站類型的網路服務,作為本研究的研究對象。本研究試圖瞭解這些公司在關於方法特性上,是否使用這些方法及其原因,以及在使用上的關鍵考量,以期對本研究根據理論歸納出的方法之關鍵維度,作實務上的驗證或補充,並藉此嘗試作為方法實務運用上適合度的探討。 研究結果發現,根據文獻所整理出的維度在實務上確實為服務發展者所在意的,此外也發現一些額外的資訊,對於服務發展者在使用這些方法上的考量有更進一步的瞭解,並且根據各案分析,歸納出網路產業在方法選擇與使用上的可能模式及適合性。


Service industry has been the most important source of economic output value now, and new service development (NSD) has become essential for maintain advantage. Following formal stages and processes of service development is helpful for success to NSD. In NSD stages some methods can be used to direct or assist developing, which can help identifying question, better understanding of customer needs and make things have right direction. Our research focus on some common methods, including scenario technology, lead user method, focus group, conjoint analysis, service QFD, FMEA, critical incident technique and SERVQUAL. First, we introduce for which stages these methods are used, operation procedure of methods, question for customer and literature of NSD application. Second, considering previous literature about the main reasons adopted (or not) these methods, adding to key barriers in NSD, conclude important characteristics of methods. These dimensions become the foundation of our classification schema. After making up important characteristics of methods according to above point of view, we try to understand the situation of methods used in NSD in Taiwan by case study. Now Internet services are very significant, especially websites of electronic commerce and social network such as blog, hence we choose them as target of this research. We attempt to realize whether they adopt some methods, the reason they do and which key consideration they have with regard to some characteristics of methods. By these survey and interviews, we verify the dimensions in our research and address some other key dimensions of methods, and furthermore explore issues about appropriateness of methods. Research results find the dimensions about characteristics we develop are the service developers concern about. Moreover, we find some other information and further insight regarding what service developers think about using these methods. Finally, we conclude the pattern and appropriateness of Internet service about using and choosing methods.


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蔡子彥(2016)。結合隨機森林與複合態度模式探討國道客運創新服務發展與行銷策略之研究 – 以台北宜蘭線為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00975
