  • 學位論文


The problem review and Primary Mechanism Design of JV on public sector construction bids

指導教授 : 王明德
共同指導教授 : 張陸滿


本研究主要因為近年來公共工程採用共同承攬之標案日漸增多,希望藉此了解這些個案於執行過程中遭遇到之困難,利用問卷來了解原因與解決之道。開始先蒐集相關之案例,探討其問題及可能之原因,並利用共同承攬之相關文獻,初擬各種解決之對策,進行專家訪談以確認問卷效度,最後運用統計分析之結果提出初步機制設計。 本研究探討範圍僅限於公共工程之共同承攬標案,至於其他常見於晶圓廠之建廠聯合承攬則未討論。 共同承攬因其結合對象之不同可分為統包、工程採購合約、工程共同承攬、BOT等。其成敗受夥伴選擇影響最大,其共同承攬組織受信任的差異、採購自主之需要,而產生各種不同之組織治理方式。專案組織與監造單位及業主互動也會影響成敗。而其依循之準則若只靠「共同承攬協議書」是不過的。從公開閱覽到公開招標截止通常最多三個月,在此期間要尋找合適的夥伴及簽立成員間實際運作所需之共同投標協書,就必須有一套機制可循,以避免重蹈覆轍。 公共工程之共同承攬其限制比較多,除了依據採購法外,還必須考慮民法,民法在聯合承攬之規定尚不明確,有部分認為適用「合夥人」之規定,但有人則持不同之見解,且各有判例。採購法之「共同投標辦法」對承攬成員的工程款領取方式、履約保證交付之方式、成員因財務問題而倒閉無法繼續履行時之處理等皆有規定,但這些是否有檢討之必要?本研究透過問卷來回饋意見,並納入機制設計中,另一方面做為採購法修正時之參考。 工程的成敗取決於工地之專案組織,而共同承攬之組織更是與一般之組織不同,由於組織的臨時性與專案性,成員間之磨合及向心力之建立、成員間利益衝突之協調與成員間爭議之處理都要靠專案組織來處理,而組織之最適合處理機制為何,本研究建立一套機制希望能解決組織運作上種種窒礙難行處。最後提出本研究因資源所限無法研究之處與建議,供後續研究者之參考。


This research aims at providing possible solution and a responding mechanism towards the growing difficulties confronted by joint venture members of a project organization in implementing the joint venture contract for a public work joint tendering. The main research methodologies involve three phases: 1. The first phase involves in a questionnaire investigation, which is designed to identify common problems, possible causation and workable solutions for the difficulties confronted by the joint venture members in implementing the join tendering contract of the government public work. 2. The second phase: With the primary results from the above questionnaire investigation, this research tried to formulate responding strategies for each identified problem and solution, after considering relevant literature review and previous case studies. This is then followed by a further process of expert interview in order to confirm the effectiveness of the investigation. 3. The final phase: In the final stage, statistic analysis of the questionnaire is applied, and strategies for a possible problem-solving mechanism are provided accordingly. Base on the practice of the regulation for Joint Tendering and the Government Procurement Act, this research raises many critical issues to the successful of a JV project, These issues include the problems through the implant of the joint venture contract such as guaranty of contract performance, terms of payment, and failing to fulfill contract due to the joint venture member’s finance problem. As a result, this research expects to provide a possible solution and mechanism for amending the current regulation and law. This thesis focuses on the government public work, and not including the private work sphere. Research limits are illustrated in the final part of the work, with some suggestions for later studies.


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林佳妙(2014)。論公共工程聯合承攬的履約爭議 —以我國裁判實務爭議為中心—〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.10610
