  • 學位論文


Plays:"Deformation" & "The Tale of Killing a Dog"

指導教授 : 王安祈


中文摘要 論文分為兩大部份:劇本與創作說明。 畢業作品共兩齣:一為原創劇本《變羊記》、一為改編作品《殺狗記》。 作品《變羊記》構想來自於明代傳奇《獅吼記》。它以《獅吼記》為原型,重新詮釋劇中的人物,並通過情節結構,與現代社會相互參照,討論人際之間流動的情感關係。作品《殺狗記》將四大南戲中的《殺狗記》進行修編剪裁,敷演「楊德賢婦殺狗勸夫」故事,透過閻羅王與判官視角,詮釋出人心中不可抑止的陰暗面。 劇本說明則分述下列四點:除創作源起與結語外,亦討論作品與原作的改變與承繼,以及闡述創作思想,試圖為這一段寫作過程做一鳥瞰式的環顧。


戲曲 改編 變羊記 殺狗記 獅吼記


Abstract The thesis contains two parts-two Chinese Opera plays and the analysis. Deformation is a work of creative writing. "The Tale of Killing a Dog" was adapted from the traditional Chinese Opera play The Tale of Killing a Dog. Deformation, inspired by "The Outburst of a Shrew" in the Ming Dynasty, interprets intrapersonal relationships among characters, and also reflects upon bonds of the modern human society. The Tale of Killing a Dog, from one of the major Southern traditional operas during Sung and Yuan dynasties, talks about sibling rivalry. The malefactors make mischief between Sun Hua and Sun Rong. In order to solve their conflict, Sun Rong's wife, Yang Yue-Zhen, persuades her husband by killing a dog. I insert two new characters into this story: the Yama and the clerk. Through their perspective, the story shifts its focus to the darkness of human desire. The part of analysis would compare the originals with the adapted ones, elaborating inheritance and transformation among texts. Through reviewing the whole process of composing dramas, it would also explain motivations for this literary creation.


Adrienne Burgess, “Will you Still Love Me Tomorrow” (Vermilon, 2001)
Carl Schmitt,”The Concept of The Political, tr. by George Schwab (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996)
Lacon Jacque, Fonction et champ de la parole et du langage en psychanalyse, Rapport du Congrès de Rome tenu a l’Instituto Di Psicologica Della Univesità Di Roma les 26 et 27 Septembre 1953 in Écrits, Paris, Le Seuil,1996
