  • 學位論文


Multi-path and Multi-channel Routing Protocol in the Scalable Wireless Sensor Network

指導教授 : 江昭皚


無線感測器網路在最近幾年中變得越來越重要,隨著時間發展這項技術不僅是應用於自動化監測,也被使用於智慧型控制系統當中,提供更多元化的應用。然而為了提供網路系統具有智慧型控制,點對點路由演算法扮演著提供節點相互溝通或查詢資料的基本要素。目前大多數點對點路由演算法利用泛播式傳輸建構資料由來源地至目的地的路徑,但是此種方式建構路徑會需要較多封包資訊交握,由於多半無線感測器網路應用中的感測器節點電力來源會受到限制,感測器節點如果能夠將建構傳輸路徑的交握封包數量減少,也就等同於網路耗費能量降低。 本研究提出具可擴充性之多路由與多頻道通訊協定,提供網路點對點資料傳輸功能。在大規模的無線感測器網路中,資料傳輸的穩定性及網路的可擴充性為主要的探討對象,為了減少網路節點增加造成網路複雜性提升,因此吾人設計網路中節點可以依照不同頻道階層式分群,並藉此增加網路可擴性。點對點路由演算法設計方面,吾人採用網路協調者擔任規劃來源地節點傳輸資料至目的地節點的角色。此外為了避免網路傳輸資料產生碰撞問題,因此本研究設計可以適應點對點多路由與多頻道傳輸時槽規劃,透過時槽分配設計網路傳輸可以有效避免節點傳輸資料產生的時槽混亂問題,達到節點能夠成功傳送資料至目的地。 經由模擬結果驗證此本研究方法相較於已發表過的點對點路由演算法能夠有效降低網路傳輸路徑建構所耗費的封包。另外為了驗證本研究提出點對點多路由與多頻道通訊協定可以於實際應用中使用,因此將路由演算法透過NesC程式語言撰寫至Octopus II節點,實際測試網路傳輸功能。實驗分別測試單一頻道與多頻道網路中任意節點之間經由協調者提供傳輸路徑將資料傳輸至目的地,實驗結果顯示資料傳輸能有效運作,並資料接收率可以高達90%以上。


In recent years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become more important. WSNs are applied to many areas, such as smart control systems, medical monitoring, and environmental monitoring. In order to provide smart control for network systems, peer to peer routing algorithms play an important role through which nodes can communicate and find each other. Most of peer to peer routing algorithms use flooding to construct routing paths from a source to a destination. In addition, energy consumption management is a very important issue for WSNs, because sensor nodes often transmit and receive data with limited energy, and it is difficult for nodes to recharge their batteries. Therefore, many studies have proposed different methods to reduce packets of handshaking, and such an arrangement also means energy consumption reduction. This study proposes a multi-path and multi-channel routing protocol in a scalable WSN. This routing protocol uses different channels to cluster sensor nodes, which decreases network complexity. On the other hand, hierarchical architecture is used to increase network scalability. For a peer to peer routing algorithm, the proposed method uses coordinators to plan routes when a source needs to construct a route to a destination. In addition, medium access control is designed to avoid time slot overlapping. The simulation results show that the proposed routing protocol is able to decrease the packet of routing discovery compared to the AODV routing algorithm. In order to evaluate the performance of proposed algorithm in real applications, this study implements the proposed routing protocol on the Octopus II with the NesC program. According to the results of the experiment, for both signal channel and multiple channels of the network, the package delivery rate of the network is up to 90%.


李俊賢。2006。無線感測器網路與ZigBee協定簡介。電信國家型計劃專刊。77: 5-10。
