  • 學位論文


An SDK for Developing Interactive Multimedia Applications on Multi-Resolution and Multi-Touch Display System

指導教授 : 洪一平


多指觸控互動桌面系統目前越來越流行,直觀的多指觸控界面提供快速且容易的互動並且也增強了用戶體驗。另一方面,在螢幕成像技術上,多重解析度技術在大範圍顯示區域中提供一部份高解析度的區域,讓使用者即便在大顯示區域中仍能看見清晰的虛擬物件。 隨著這些設備的興起,多指觸控的應用程式也大量出現,為了簡化應用程式的開發流程,我們需要軟體開發套件,軟體開發套件可以縮減應用程式開發時間也能讓隱藏複雜的底層結構,讓開發者專心於設計應用程式,所以我們提出i-m-Flash,i-m-Flash能幫助開發者完成多指觸控和多重解析度的互動多媒體程式。 之前的版本專注於提供基本的架構和功能,有了這些基礎,這次則著重在提供更容易使用的介面,我們加入有許多擁護者的圖形處理器加速開放原始碼(Open source)套件,讓原本在這些套件上有使用經驗的開發者也能夠輕鬆地在i-m-Flash上開發應用程式,此外我們也提供了物理引擎,最重要的是,為了因應未來的變化,我們也保留加入新平台的擴充性,讓i-m-Flash在未來可以更新顯示套件。


Multi-touch interactive tabletop systems are increasingly wide-spread. The intuitiveness of direct multi-touch interface provides fast and easy interaction, and moreover, enhances user experience. On the other hand, multi-resolution visualization provides a cost-efficient way to see the high resolution virtual content in the large display. While displaying peripheral low resolution view, multi-resolution also displays a fovea high resolution area to demonstrate the details of virtual world. As the popularity of digital surfaces systems rise, plenty of interactive applications emerge. To simplify the development process of tabletop applications, good software development toolkits are needed. Therefore, we present i-m-Flash, a multi-touch and multi-resolution SDK for authoring interactive multimedia applications. In previous work, i-m-Flash focuses on offering the underlying basic functionalities. As a successor, we endeavor to offer a simpler but more powerful toolkit for developers. We adapt two popular hardware-accelerated open source display programming frameworks. Developers who are familiar with them can easily build multi-touch applications with our software toolkits. Besides, we also provide physical engine for design fascinating effects. Most importantly, we propose a structure for accommodating other display programming platforms if needed. The main structure of i-m-Flash simplifies the implementation process when adapting new platforms in the future.


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