  • 學位論文


Mechanical Properties and Restoration of Wood Components with Epoxy Resin and Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Resin

指導教授 : 林法勤


木材在傳統建築上為主要建構材料,傳統的木架構雖然經歷百年不衰,但會因為時間和氣候的因素,而遭受到老化和腐朽等問題,進而導致架構損壞危及安全的疑慮,傳統建築的保存及修復,則成為保護國家文化傳承的延續,和提升保存科學技術的最主要工作。 本研究內容主要是利用不同的膠合劑,對模擬受損的針葉樹種杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)以及闊葉樹種樟樹(Cinnamomum camphora)試材進行補強,所使用的膠合劑為熱固型膠合劑環氧樹脂(Epoxy),以及熱塑型膠合劑乙烯-醋酸乙烯(EVA)系的兩種熱熔膠進行修補,由於不同的膠合劑與木材間的化學鍵結程度不同,會使得受損試材補強後的強度有所差異,故本研究針對三種膠合劑修復後試材的力學性質影響做探討。 本研究結果在樟木試材方面,環氧樹脂修復後試材的抗彎彈性模數為63,247 kgf/cm2,兩種EVA系熱熔膠修復後試材的抗彎彈性模數,分別為57,541 kgf/cm2以及54,601 kgf/cm2,雖然環氧樹脂在樟木試材修復上,較其他兩種EVA系熱熔膠還好,但是在變異數分析上可了解,環氧樹脂與其中一種EVA系熱熔膠並無顯著差異,在抗彎強度上亦呈現相同的結果。 在杉木試材方面,環氧樹脂修復後試材的抗彎彈性模數為84,130 kgf/cm2,兩種EVA系熱熔膠修復後試材的抗彎彈性模數,分別為69,387 kgf/cm2以及63,552 kgf/cm2,環氧樹脂在杉木試材修復上,較其他兩種EVA系熱熔膠還好,且有顯著上的差異;而在抗彎強度上,環氧樹脂修復後的抗彎強度為642 kgf/cm2,另兩種EVA系熱熔膠修復後的抗彎強度,分別為599 kgf/cm2和582 kgf/cm2,雖然在抗彎強度上,環氧樹脂修復效果較其他兩種EVA系熱熔膠好,但是在變異數分析上可了解,環氧樹脂與其中一種EVA系熱熔膠並無顯著差異,以上結果可知,EVA系的熱熔膠對木構件的修復效果雖然沒有環氧樹脂來的好,但還是有一定的成效,故利用熱熔膠修復木構件的方法是有其可行性。


Wood is a main construction material for traditional architecture. Although the traditional wooden architecture can’t be woken more than hundred years, it would be aging and decaying because of time and subjected to climatic factors, which lead to cause damage on the architecture. Therefore, preservation and restoration of traditional architecture will be the most important work to protect the national continuation of cultural heritage preservation and promote science and technology. This study uses different adhesives to reinforce on the damaged wooden materials which are fir for China fir and broadleaf species of camphor tree specimens. The experiment uses the thermosetting, which was epoxy-based adhesives, and 2 thermoplastic adhesives, which are ethylene-vinyl acetate systems hot melt adhesive to repair. Due to chemical bonding between the wood and different adhesives, the different levels will cause damage to the strength of different materials. Therefore, this study wants to find the impact of mechanical properties of different adhesives repaired specimens. The results of this study in terms of camphor wood, the MOE of epoxy repaired specimens are 63,247 kgf/cm2. And the result of the MOE in specimens which were repaired by two EVA-system adhesives was 57,541 kgf / cm2 and 54,601 kgf/cm2. Although the epoxy resin repair of camphor wood is better than the other two EVA-system hot melt adhesives, the analysis of variance can know that there was no significant difference between epoxy resin and one of the EVA-system hot melt adhesive in MOE. In the MOR is also presented in the same results. In the China fir specimen, the MOE of epoxy repaired specimens is 84,130 kgf/cm2. And the result of the MOE in specimens which were repaired by two EVA-system adhesives was 69,387 kgf / cm2 and 63,552 kgf/cm2. And there was a significant difference between epoxy resin and one of the EVA-system hot melt adhesive in MOE. The MOR of epoxy repaired specimens is 642 kgf/cm2. And the MOR of two EVA-system hot melt adhesives repaired specimens were 582 kgf/cm2 and 599 kgf/cm2. Although the epoxy resin repair of camphor wood is better than the other two EVA-system hot melt adhesives. In the analysis of variance we can know that: there was no significant difference between epoxy resin and one of the EVA-system hot melt adhesive in MOR. These results show that although the repair of epoxy resin in wooden specimen was better than EVA-system adhesive, there are some patches on the effectiveness. Therefore, restoration of wood components by hot melt method is its feasibility.


