  • 學位論文


The Relation Between Storage Stability and Main Active Compounds from Polygonum cuspidatum High Resveratrol Content Selection 051111 Cultivated in Different Location

指導教授 : 張祖亮


中草藥虎杖(Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc.)為蓼科(Polygonaceae)植物,其根莖乙醇萃取物可分離出白藜蘆醇苷、白藜蘆醇及大黃素等主要活性成分。虎杖已知具有抗氧化、抗腫瘤作用,此生物活性與主要活性成分有關。參試虎杖植株原生於南投縣仁愛鄉梅峰附近山區,經由明道大學選育後以無性繁殖得到的具有高白藜蘆醇含量的051111選系。二年生虎杖種植於高海拔的梅峰地區,分別於六、七、八及十月採收;種植於台大園藝系精密溫室於一月及四月採收。虎杖相關研究多著重於主要活性成分的各別功效或萃取物的整體效果,卻缺乏整體效果與各別成分之間的關係,因此本論文針對不同來源的虎杖,探討主要活性成分含量、功能性成分含量、抗氧化能力及對癌細胞毒性的關係。此外,亦探討虎杖於採收後的乾燥方法及儲藏條件對其根莖主要活性成分含量的影響。 虎杖的白藜蘆醇苷含量介於48.74±2.31 mg/g extract(梅峰六月,栽培於梅峰在六月採收,以下亦同)至71.28±0.41 mg/g extract(台北一月);白藜蘆醇含量介於1.90±0.00 mg/g extract(台北一月)至14.60±0.53 mg/g extract(梅峰八月);大黃素含量介於7.36±0.89 mg/g extract(梅峰七月)至12.67±0.81 mg/g extract(梅峰六月)。虎杖的總酚類含量介於198.16±16.26 mg GAE/g extract(梅峰十月)至269.02±8.93 mg GAE/g extract(梅峰八月);總黃酮類含量介於13.84±2.4 mg QE/g extract(梅峰十月)至22.86±2.49 mg QE/g extract(台北一月)。 抗氧化能力方面,清除DPPH自由基及ABTS+自由基能力以梅峰八月清除效果最佳;FRAP還原能力以台北一月及梅峰八月效果較好。總黃酮類含量在清除DPPH自由基能力組成上佔+56.72%,在FRAP還原能力組成上佔+40.33%。大黃素含量則在FRAP還原能力組成上佔+41.94%,而清除ABTS+自由基能力組成上佔-46.43%。台北一月及梅峰八月對HepG2細胞最具有毒性;僅有梅峰八月於高濃度(300 μg/mL)下對A549細胞才具微毒性。由於梅峰八月主要活性成分含量較高,所以在各試驗中皆有較好的效果。 虎杖根莖採收後,比較兩種乾燥方法對其主要活性成分含量的影響。冷凍乾燥法者白藜蘆醇苷含量顯著較高;烘箱乾燥法則以白藜蘆醇及大黃素含量顯著較高。烘箱乾燥法的白藜蘆醇含量為冷凍乾燥法的4.8倍。虎杖根莖粉末於40℃及50℃烘箱儲藏,在50天期間似不會影響白藜蘆醇苷與白藜蘆醇的含量,而大黃素含量則有逐漸下降的趨勢。


Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc. belongs to the family Polygonaceae, and it is used as a Chinese medicinal herb. The main active compounds including polydatin, resveratrol and emodin can be identified from the ethanol extract of its root and rhizome. Polygonum cuspidatum is known to have antioxidant activities and antitumor effects. These biological effects are related to the main active compounds. The tested plant of Polygonum cuspidatum '051111' line is selected by MingDao University for high levels of resveratrol. Biennial plants grown in Meifong highland region was harvest in June, July, August and October, respectively. The plants grown in greenhouse at National Taiwan University was harvest in January and April. Relevant researches of Polygonum cuspidatum are more emphasis on the individual efficacy of the main active compounds or overall effect of extract. However, there are lack of relations between overall effect and individual efficacy of compound. Therefore, this thesis is aimed at discussing the relation among content of compounds, antioxidant activities and cancer cell toxicity from different sources of Polygonum cuspidatum. In addition, the drying process and subsequent storage conditions of rhizome will if affect the content of main active compounds are investigated. The polydatin content ranges from 48.74±2.31 mg/g extract (Meifong June, which was planted in Meifong and harvest in June, same as here in the followings) to 71.28±0.41 mg/g extract (Taipei January). The resveratrol content ranges from 1.90±0.00 mg/g extract (Taipei January) to 14.60±0.53 mg/g extract (Meifong August). The emodin content ranges from 7.36±0.89 mg/g extract (Meifong July) to 12.67±0.81 mg/g extract (Meifong June). The content of total phenolics range from 198.16±16.26 mg GAE/g extract (Meifong October) to 269.02±8.93 mg GAE/g extract (Meifong August). The content of total flavonoid range from 13.84±2.4 mg QE/g extract (Meifong October) to 22.86±2.49 mg QE/g extract (Taipei January). Meifong August has the best DPPH and ABTS+ radicals scavenging activity. Meifong August and Taipei January have better FRAP reducing power. The total flavonoids contribute +56.72% to the DPPH radicals scavenging activity, and +40.33% to the FRAP reducing power. While the emodin content show 41.94% to the FRAP reducing power and -46.43% to ABTS+ radicals scavenging activity. Polygonum cuspidatum of Meifong August and Taipei January have cytotoxicity to HepG2 cell. For A549 cell only Meifong August in high concentration (300 μg / mL) is slightly toxic. Since Meifong August has higher main active compounds, it has better effect in every assay. Two drying methods are used to compare the drying effects on main active compounds after rhizome harvesting. The polydatin is higher by freeze drying method, but the resveratrol and emodin are higher by oven drying method. The resveratrol was about 4.8 times higher by oven drying method. To store the rhizome powder in 40℃ and 50℃ oven, the content of polydatin and resveratrol seem unchanged during the 50 days storage, but the content of emodin is gradually decreased.


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