  • 學位論文

生物炭對台灣草莓(Fragaria xananassa Duch.)生長與果實生產之影響

Effects of biochar on growth and fruit production of strawberries (Fragaria xananassa Duch.) in subtropical Taiwan

指導教授 : 李國譚
共同指導教授 : 李金龍(Ching-Lung Lee)


生物炭為有機質經由熱裂解後之多孔性產物,作為土壤或介質添加物有促進作物生長之效果。然而生物炭對於台灣草莓生產之影響尚未評估。本論文分為兩部分進行探討,第一試驗利用2.5%或5.0%(v./v.) 之菱殼炭以及雜木炭作為無土栽培介質添加物,調查生物炭對 ‘桃園一號’ 草莓在溫室行無土栽培之影響。試驗結果顯示,以生物炭作為介質添加物,顯著提升介質之pH值以及EC值,於定植初期可促進植株鮮乾重以及葉面積等營養生長之效果,然而於生殖生長方面則減少總產量、單果重以及大果率,但對果實可溶性固形物無顯著差異。結果顯示,於養液定期澆灌之情況下,菱殼炭以及雜木炭可促進溫室栽培之 ‘桃園一號’草莓定植前期之營養生長,但對於果實生產並無顯著促進效果。第二試驗以菱殼炭結合定植前之田間土壤日光消毒,並以糖蜜作為碳源,探討其對 ‘香水’以及 ‘天來一號’草莓生長以及果實生產之影響。試驗結果顯示以菱殼炭混合糖蜜,相較於單純使用菱殼炭或是糖蜜結合日光消毒,顯著提昇植株總葉面積、SPAD值、早期產量、單果重以及大果率,但不影響果實可溶性固形物,顯示菱殼炭混合糖蜜作定植前土壤日光消毒處理,具備提昇有機草莓栽培產量之潛力。總體而言,生物炭結合其他物質,如液態肥料以及易分解碳源,於草莓有促進生長之潛力,但需針對不同的栽培模式在肥培管理上進行調整。


草莓 生物炭 糖蜜 日光消毒 產量 總葉面積


Biochar is porous co-product from pyrolysis of organic matters. It has been used in soil amendment to improve soil properties and microbial composition, thus increasing crop vigor and productivity. However, the effect of biochar on strawberry growth and production in Taiwan had not been evaluated. This research included two experiments of biochar effects in strawberries. In the first experiment, the effects of biochar amendment on growth, development, and fruit production in greenhouse grown strawberry production was evaluated. Runner plants of ‘Taoyuan No.1’ strawberry were planted in soilless medium without extra amendment or amended with 2.5% or 5.0% (v./v.) biochar made of water caltrop (Trapa natans L.) husk or wood. Biochar improved total leaf area, fresh and dry weight of plants but reduced fruit weight, total yield and the percentage of large fruit. Total soluble solids content of the fruit was not affected. The result indictated that when the substrate was regularly fertigated, biochar amendments improved early vegetative growth in greenhouse strawberry cultivation but had no benefits on fruit production. In the second experiment, effects of incorporating water caltrop husk biochar and molasses in pre-planting soil solarization on growth and fruit production of ‘Aroma’ and ‘Tien-Lai No.1’ strawberry were investigated. Compared to separated treatment of biochar or molasses, the combination of both materials resulted in higher total leaf area, SPAD value, early fruit production, fruit weight, and the percentage of large fruits. Total soluble solids content of the fruit was not affected. Results showed that the combination biochar with molasses in pre-planting soil solarization is a promising approach for organic strawberry production. Overall, biochar amendment combining other materials, such as liquid fertilizers or easily degradable carbon sources, has potentials in improving strawberry growth in Taiwan. However, fertilizer management has to be evaluated based on the cultivation system.


strawberry biochar molasses soil solarization yield total leaf area


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