  • 學位論文


Practical Approaches to Mental and Physical Transformation Through Buddhist Meditation

指導教授 : 蔡耀明


本文關注佛教禪修實踐所經歷的身心轉化,從解構世界觀,以及解構身心之本質與身心關係的方式,試圖建構其可被理解的理論基礎乃至可能的機轉,以利打通後續接引上佛法整條修行道路的關鍵樞紐。佛法的教學,初步在於引導眾生往生善趣,終極目標則在於引導至解脫乃至無上正等覺。這些在修行道路的引導,莫不與身心轉化息息相關。因此,身心轉化為佛法教學相當核心的一個課題。如能建構其中之機轉,將對佛法義理的詮釋起著重大的作用。 本文從經典有關身心轉化與禪修的關鍵詞與文本脈絡,進行概念界說與意義釐清的工作,並且以《沙門果經》中的次第為主軸,梳理出身心轉化之機轉。在涉及身心的部分,由於不同層次的轉化可能涉及的物理規則不同,故分為兩個層次拆解身心關係。古典物理學層次的轉化,探討在不超出現有的身心結構下所做的改變;量子物理學層次的轉化,則指不限囿在既有的、眾所認定之身心結構,所進行的形體上、功能上的高度轉化。在古典物理學層次,透過禪修的知覺與精神內斂,能讓身心從「過去的產物」與「環境的產物」的情形,逆轉成有較高度的彈性與自在調御能力的狀態。量子物理學層次,切進因緣的視角,心與身可被解構為眾因緣之組合表現,並且不具有本質上的差異。世間萬物也莫不由因緣組合,共通在法界之訊息場域。透過禪修鍛鍊出極高品質的心力,或能深入身體在物質組成之因緣而轉變之,以及深入法界之資訊場,使所謂的知覺功能超越既有之身心功能。 章節安排:第一章緒論,陳述本文的研究主題及其價值,並交代研究方式與本文所持的佛學觀等背景,以利讀者區分研究內容與研究背景。第二章與第三章為基本功的部分,整理經典當中關於身心轉化與相關禪修的教學內容,以確切了解佛經中如何呈現禪修引發之身心轉化。第四章以《沙門果經》為範例,帶出經典中完整次第的禪修與身心轉化。以上主要為呈現經典中的教學,而本文的重點在於如何用當代更貼切的方式理解經典當中的身心轉化。因此,第五章與第六章,分別為世界觀與身心觀的解析與轉化,用以將經典中的教導與切身實踐的世界搭上橋樑。第七章則是再次將《沙門果經》的次第帶出,並以經過世界觀與身心觀切換之後的視角,得以使經典中的教學賦予更具體的理解方式。第八章為結論與展望,收攝本論文研究要點並帶出未來可以發展的方向。


神通 禪修 身心 轉化 《沙門果經》


This dissertation focuses on mental and physical transformation through Buddhist meditation. By clarifying different layers of worldviews and by deconstructing the mind-body structure and relationship, this dissertation aims to provide a way for understanding how it can be possible to achieve a highly malleable mind-body state described in Buddhist scriptures. Preliminarily, Buddhist teachings provide a way to be reborn in a better life. Ultimately, Buddhism guides sentient beings and practitioners toward liberation and enlightenment. All these practices involve various degrees of mental and physical transformation, a core subject in Buddhist teachings. A well-constructed mechanism therein would ensure that Buddhist teachings can be better interpreted and understood in their original context. The present study begins with the key concepts to map out the theoretical terrain across a specific subject of mental and physical transformation in the Buddhist context, especially several literal passages drawn from the Śrāmaṇyaphala-sūtra. Concerning mental and physical transformation, different layers might involve varying principles, and at least two layers can be distinguished. The layer of transformation related to classical physics inquires into the transformation confined to current mind-body structure. The layer of transformation related to quantum physics is not restricted to the given mind-body binding. Similarly, under classical physics, the cognitive and spiritual absorption through meditative practices can transform the mind and body from being the outcome of the past and the environment to comparatively high elasticity and the ability to exert self-control. In quantum physics, from the perspective of conditioned co-arising, the mind and body can be deconstructed as a conglomeration of temporary related factors, devoid of any substance or an essence. In the same vein, the phenomenal world can be regarded as temporal aggregates universally shared in the message field of dharma-dhātu. Mind power with meditation facilitates the process of drastically transforming the body to perform extraordinary wonders and to penetrate into the message field of dharma-dhātu. This is the embodiment of mental and physical transformation by surpassing the ordinary mind-body event. The first chapter introduces the main idea, value, and methodology of this dissertation. In the second chapter, the various concepts and ideas of transformation in Buddhist scriptures are analyzed and organized in order to provide a foundation of further study in this dissertation. The third chapter focuses on the meditations closely related to transformation. Following an analysis of the two key concepts --transformation and meditation -- the Śrāmaṇyaphala-sūtra was consulted in chapter four as an exemplar for illustrating sequential transformation and progressive meditation. In chapter five, the purpose of a clarification of various layers and aspects of worldviews is to address difficulties with unsuitable worldviews encountered in understanding the highly malleable mind-body transformation. In order to gain a closer understanding of how the mind-body transformation can be really achieved, chapter six explores the deconstruction of mind and body. After clarifying various layers of worldviews and deconstructing the mind-body binding, chapter seven reviews the sequential practices in the Śrāmaṇyaphala-sūtra to show a more comprehensible explanation of mind-body transformation. The eighth chapter concludes the study and the significance of this dissertation.


一、 中文文獻
(一) 佛教典籍(順序依照《大正藏》經號)
