  • 學位論文


Examining the strategic application of the EU's signing of the “EU-China Comprehensive Investment Agreement” with idealism and classical realism

指導教授 : 葉國俊


歐盟與中國在2020年12月31日所簽訂的《歐中全面投資協定》,以及於2021年1月底所發佈的投資協定相關條文。不但讓歐盟與中國在許多產業上,有更進一步地互動。同時,也讓歷時7年的雙邊談判告一段落,甚至為歐、中關係立下一個新的里程碑。然而,隨著2021年3月爆發的「新疆棉花事件」,使得歐盟內部考慮中止《歐中全面投資協定》及其條約的生效的行為。不但凸顯出歐盟一向秉持「法治、貿易與人權」的精神;中國對於上述「新疆棉花事件」而針對歐盟相關智庫及學者採行限制入境的措施,更反映出歐、中雙方本身的價值觀及目標並非完全一致。而這也使得歐、中雙方在投資協定談判的過程中,其實存在著幾次政治及經濟方面的摩擦。 是以,在延續上述的思維脈絡下,則本文一方面運用文獻分析法及歷史研究途徑,進而分析《歐中全面投資協定》的條文及歐、中雙方在此所進行的回合談判和高峰會內容回合,以及歐盟與中國各自在雙邊投資協定的態度。另一方面,也運用國際關係理論中的「理想主義」與「古典現實主義」等相關學理,進而詮釋歐盟與中國在「中歐光伏案」、「庫卡收購案」及「香港與新疆人權議題」等政、經摩擦上所展開的後續互動。並藉此歸納出歐盟在對外關係上所採取的相關策略,從而探討歐盟在投資協定簽署後,可能與中國進行的互動模式為何。


The “EU-China Comprehensive Investment Agreement” signed on December 31,2020, and the relevant provisions of the investment agreement to be published at the end of January 2021. Not only will the EU and China have further interaction in many industries. At the same time, it also brought an end to the seven-year bilateral negotiations, and even set a new milestone for EU-China relations. However, with the "Xinjiang Cotton Incident" that broke out in March 2021, the EU is considering suspending the entry into force of the “EU-China Comprehensive Investment Agreement” and its treaties. It not only highlights the EU's adherence to the spirit of "rule of law, trade and human rights"; China's measures to restrict entry to EU think tanks and scholars in response to the "Xinjiang Cotton Incident" also reflect the values and goals of both Europe and China. Not exactly the same. This also caused the EU and China to have several political and economic frictions during the negotiation of the investment agreement. Therefore, in the continuation of the above-mentioned line of thinking, this article, on the one hand, uses the method of literature analysis and historical research to analyze the provisions of the "EU-China Comprehensive Investment Agreement" and the rounds of negotiations and summits between Europe and China. The content round, and the EU and China's respective attitudes on the BIT. On the other hand, it also uses the relevant theories such as "idealism" and "classical realism" in the theory of international relations, and then interprets the EU and China in the "China-Europe Photovoltaic Case", "KUKA Acquisition" and "Hong Kong and Xinjiang Human Rights Issues" ” and other follow-up interactions on political and economic frictions. It also summarizes the relevant strategies adopted by the EU in foreign relations, and explores the mode of interaction between the EU and China after the signing of the investment agreement.


