  • 學位論文


A Study on The Government of Hot Spring Industry in Beitou -From The Perspective of District Office

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


近幾年來,台灣致力於地方自治的落實,各地方政府競相加強公共設施,結合在地資源、改善工作及居住環境、提昇地方產業品質及重視人文素養,以增進地區競爭力。加以解嚴之後,歷經威權轉型及民主鞏固的時期,台灣地區地方自主意識覺醒,各地區開始體認地方發展之重要性;由過去傳統強烈依賴中央的形式,漸漸朝獨具特色的型態發展,民眾對於公共事務的參與漸趨熱絡,尤其對自己居住的在地產業的發展性事務更是深切關注,對地方政府的功能發揮更是殷殷期盼,此時,地方政府的治理能力與角色定位就相形重要。 本文以北投溫泉產業之治理進行研究,就直轄市而言,除了市政府之外,尤其是與民眾關係最貼近的區公所,其角色功能是否發揮,民眾的期盼是可想而知。 根據地方制度法之規定,直轄市劃分為區,區公所為市政府派出的一級機關,而我國「區」的組織功能設計,尚須依據內政部地方行政機關組織準則設立,該項規範是否有侵犯地方政府自治權限之虞不無疑慮。區公所應由原本單純的承上轉下行政執行協調者角色,轉變為兼具多重市政業務統合功能性的組織,強化其治理能力,方能符合民眾的期待,以因應時代變遷之脈動。 本研究主要係從地方治理的角度,探討如何藉由公私協力的網絡建構,激發民間參與意願,引入地方民間各種資源,並有效統合,形塑地方產業特色,創造地方繁榮。尤其是針對直轄市分派各區的在地機關-區公所的治理能力,希望能以區級治理政策網絡的建構及整合運作模式,提供政府重新省思;市政府職權下放,就地授權,讓區公所與區級相關單位組織轉型,強化區級政府職能,確立網絡治理的管理中心,並以市場導向的治理策略,結合公私部門共同營造地方特色,促進地方產業發展與繁榮。


In recent years, Taiwan has been committed to the implementation of local self-governance. In order to enhance the regional competitiveness the local governments have competed to enhance public facilities, combined with local resources to improve the working and living environment and to promote the quality of local industry as well as the importance of humanities Furthermore, after the lifting of martial law, the local self-consciousness in Taiwan has arisen through the period of transition of authoritarianism and democratic consolidation. Therefore, each district began to realize the significance of local development, from strongly dependent on the central government to the development of unique features of each district. Recently, people have become more involved in public affairs, especially in the local industry and also looked forward to the greater functioning of local government. At this time, the role of local government has become much more significant. The thesis aims at studying the hot spring industry in Beitou. In point of municipalities, it is no doubt that people’s expectation of the functioning of District Office, which has the closest relationship between people and government, in addition to Municipal Government is rather high. According to the provisions of the Local Government Act, municipalities are divided into districts and District Office can be the first government organization which is directly appointed by Municipal Government. Yet, the function of District Office has to be applied to the guidelines of local administrative authoriti es of the Ministry of the Interior and whether this may violate the autonomous powers of local government is not without doubt. In order to meet people’s expectation, the District Office should transfer its coordinator role of executing policies from the central government to multi-functional role of integrating various municipal services, strengthening its governance capability. This study discusses how to construct the network through public-private effort to stimulate community involvement, introduce and integrate a variety of local non-governmental resources effectively, form the characteristics of local industry and create prosperity of the district from the perspective of local governance. Besides, due to the integration as well as construction of the district-level governance network, we should rethink whether the autonomous powers should be transferred to District Office. Thus, we can strengthen the functions of District Offices and district-level governments, establish its network management of center governance, create unique features through the strategy of market-oriented management, and promote local industrial development and prosperity.




