  • 學位論文


The Effect of Limited Transaction Identity on Aboriginal Reservation Land Price

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


本文旨在探討交易身分限制對原住民保留地價格之影響。本研究首先透過文獻回顧從地租理論與財產權探討影響地價之因素,並從司法院資料庫蒐集自2009年8月至2010年7月被拍賣土地之價格、距離、面積、地目、拍賣次數、區位、和交易身分限制等資料,然後利用迴歸方法建立量化的地價模型。 研究結果顯示,交易身分限制、距縣市中新教遠的區位以及拍賣次數與對地價有負向影響;但面積對地價具正向影響。在地目上,以建地價格最高,田地次之,旱地位居第三而林地最低;地價有區域性差異。


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of limited transaction of aboriginal reservation land by identity on land price in Taiwan. The study first explored the theories of land rent and property rights from literature review, and collected data of price, area, us type, auction times and location of land being auctioned during the period from August 2009 to July 2010 from a governmental database. then set up the quantitative model of land price by regression analysis. The study result indicated that limited transaction by identity, location within longer distance to municipal center and auction times had negative impacts on land price ,but size of area had positive impact on land price. The prices of different land use types were declining by the order of building, farmland, dry field, and forestand.There were also regional differences in land price.


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