  • 學位論文


Analysis on Changes of Energy Consumption and Intensity in Different Stages of the Taiwan Economic Development

指導教授 : 孫立群 副教授
共同指導教授 : 許志義 教授(Jyh-Yih Hsu)


本文目的是分析台灣整體以及各產業歷年能源密集度和能源消費在過去發展歷程中的變化,並分析台灣整體以及各產業歷年能源消費與經濟成長的脫鉤關係,結合前述指數分解實證結果闡述相關政策意涵,最後將本文實證結果與EU-15國實證結果進行比較。 將影響台灣能源密集度的因素透過對數平均迪氏指數分解法 (Logarithmic Mean Divisia Method Index, LMDI) 分解成兩效果,分別為:捕捉改善效果來自產業結構變化的產業結構效果以及改善效果來自科技進步的技術效果。實證結果顯示產業結構效果在能源危機期間和近十年間有出現惡化,技術效果則在網路泡沫危機期間出現明顯惡化。將影響能源消費的因素分解成解釋能源消費來自經濟成長的產出效果,以及上述的產業結構效果、技術效果,分解結果顯示在各個階段產出為主要解釋能源消費成長的原因。 脫鉤分析 (Decoupling Analysis) 的結果顯示,農業部門長期處在負脫鉤狀態,運輸部門自90年後期漸漸出現脫鉤現象,工業與服務業部門則是長期處在相對脫鉤狀態。未反映國際能源價格、不合宜的租稅減免產業政策、加入WTO、新交通建設投入營運、沒有完善的獎勵節能機制,皆是造成上述實證結果變化的可能原因。


The purpose of this article is to analyze how energy intensity and energy consumption change during development evolution in Taiwan, as well as capture decoupling relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in Taiwan, then compare the result of this article with result of EU-15. There’re two factors from decomposing energy intensity by Logarithmic Mean Divisia Method Index (LMDI), respectively, improvement contribution from changing industrial structure - structural effect, and improvement contribution from technological progress - technological effect. The former worsened energy intensity during Energy Crisis and recent 10 years. The latter deteriorated energy intensity during Dot-com Bubble Crisis. There’re three factors from decomposing energy consumption by same approach, such as production effect, contribution from economic growth, and other two are structural effect and technological effect. The main factor influences energy consumption growth is production effect. Decoupling empirical result shows agricultural sector experiences negative decoupling state during whole study period. Transportation sector improved gradually decoupling state in late 90s. Industrial and service sector maintain relative decoupling state during whole study period. It’s found that domestic energy price without linking with the international energy price, unreasonable tax exemption for certain industries, participated in WTO, new transportation infrastructure operated, and lack of incentive mechanism for saving energy could influence the energy intensity, energy consumption and decoupling state.


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