  • 學位論文


Antenna Distance Analysis and Design for Wider Angle Detection for Mono-pulse Continuous Wave Doppler Radar and Characterization of High Frequency Transmission Line On Flexible Substrate

指導教授 : 盧信嘉


本論文前兩章節將在低溫陶瓷共燒中給予的有限面積以及印刷電路板裡,實現雷達系統的被動元件布局,放置使用於同時擁有一個傳送以及兩個接收天線的單脈衝雷達探測系統,利用都普勒現象量測物體的移動速度,以及兩接收天線由於空間造成的差與和模態得到單脈衝訊號比例進行待測物的角度探測,並且將生物的生命現象於訊號中萃取出來。 由於要做到縮小化而且在面積有限的情境下,兩接收天線的間距已經小於一個波長,天線之間的距離對於場型有了很重大的影響,此時隔離度也成了一個無法忽略的問題,因此利用了天線的陣列設計理論與實際天線因為隔離問題導致偏離正上方的輻射場型對於實際接收到的射頻訊號做了更精確地分析。 以上所提出的所有設計理論及天線架構的細節,模擬與實驗驗證,於本論文中都會加以仔細地討論。 第三章與第四章將探討製作於軟性基板上的傳輸線特性。由於層層堆疊的基板在製程上較單層板困難且價格昂貴,在現在這種價格戰時代,可扭曲材質便顯現出了它的優點。另外材質的可扭曲性也因為行動裝置的需求量增加有了新的應用。例如將電路製作於軟性基板上並且應用在手錶等等的行動裝置,以佩帶於手上。 首先會介紹軟性基板的製程,如何生產出此種材料,以及電路製作過程和材料參數。接著是量測的介紹,因為在種種量測儀器的輔助下量測出的S參數並非真正待測物本身的S參數。本論文使用TRL校準方法便是用於此,透過三種長度thru、reflect,line的線解出我們必須得到的參數。 第四章的前半段是傳輸線的模擬結果以及重要參數例如S參數,傳輸線損耗等等的特性,接著透過量測將基板的介電係數和介電損耗準確地得出,再將其結果導入模擬,讓模擬結果與量測結果一致,完成特性研究。 最後一章總結兩個部分並且提出未來的願景。


Two antenna layouts are realized in two different kinds of fabrication process which are LTCC (low temperature co-fired ceramics) and PCB (printed circuit board) in a limited area for monopulse radar system that includes one transceiving and two receiving antennas. The radar system uses Doppler effect to determine the speed of the target and the monopulse ratio which is determined by radiation modes of sum and difference pattern to detect the angle of the target. Due to limited area, two receiving antennas are forced to place in the distance smaller than a wavelength, the isolation between two receiving antennas becomes a big issue that we can’t be ignored. I obstruct the radiated pattern away from the broadside direction. So we use the antenna theory to reconsider the signal we may receive in order to have a reliable measurement. The operating mechanism and details of the antenna design are discussed. Experimental and simulated results are both presented and discussed. The 3rd and 4th Chapter will discuss the characteristic of the transmission lines fabricated on flexible substrate, because of the difficulty and price issue, multilayer substrate is not comparable with single layer substrate. Take the advantage of the flexibility of the transmission line, we can connect substrate with it to accomplish a new 3D package. In this part, we will first introduce the fabrication process, how to produce these materials and their parameters. Then the second part is the introduction of the measurement. TRL calibration method is used to remove the error caused by equipment we used in measurement. At 4th chapter, it will show scattering parameters. By the measurement results we can get permittivity and loss tangent. Comparison between measurement and simulation will also be presented. The last chapter is the conclusion of this thesis and the future work.


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