  • 學位論文


Exploring Community Capacity in Community-based Natural Resource Management

指導教授 : 盧道杰


以社區為基礎的自然資源經營管理 (community-based natural resource management) 中,社區理所當然地扮演著關鍵的角色,因此,社區是否具備足夠的能動量 (capacity) 去執行相關之經營管理工作,又應依循著怎樣的原則、需具備怎樣的特質才能達到長期有效而永續之 CBNRM 成為學界近十年來日益關注與思考的重點。本研究將社區能動量分為 5 大資本,並找出對應的 12 項關鍵指標與內涵,嘗試探討適用於臺灣的社區能動量評量。除此之外,有別於國際普遍使用的問卷統計之量化評量方式,本研究以花蓮縣富里鄉豐南社區發展協會和宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮無尾港文教促進會為對象,嘗試使用質性之評量方法,期望對臺灣社區能動量能夠有一個逼近真實的、深入的面的剖析。 就評量方法而言,因各項評量指標在性質上與內涵上的不同,評量時所投入的訪談和參與觀察的重點必須相應地有所調整,此外,除了以社區組織內部的成員為對象外,對社區過去發展脈絡熟習之局外人也是很好的訪談對象。並由評量結果可知,社區在各項資本與指標中呈現的能量是相互重疊、互為因果關係的,而發展愈成熟、能動量愈高之社團,其各項資本間呈現的關係會更緊密重疊。整體而言,透過這 12 項能力指標建構出的評量架構,讓我們對社區組織在人力資本、社會資本、組織資本、與經濟資本上擁有一個較全面而有厚度的詮釋,藉此對社區能動量有更具體的想像依據。


In the community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), the community plays an apparently crucial role. Therefore, in order to achieve an effective and sustainable CBNRM, it has been recently a key focus to understand as well as analyze community characteristics and its capacity of executing relative resource management. Hence, this study tried to examin an in-Taiwan-adaptive community capacity evaluation by the construction of 5 different capital types and their corresponding 12 indicators we announced, and chose Fengnan Community Development Association in Hualien and Wu-wei-kang Cultural and Educational Association in Yilan as our study sites. Different from the general quantitative evaluation made by questionnaires, we adopted qualitative methods to evaluate community capacity with an aim to illustrate a deeper and more genuine analysis of community capacity in Taiwan. As a result, for the purpose of qualitative evaluation, interview and participant observation are both vital methods which should be conducted flexibly according to the distinct content of each indicator. Besides that, it is obvious to recognize that those capitals and indicators are closely overlapped with some causal connections in the evaluation results which turned to be more apparent in a more maturely developed community association. In all, this evaluation construction built by 12 main evaluation indicators allowed us to identify community capacity revealed in human, social, organizational, and economic capitals more comprehensively with a deeper and thicker description.


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