  • 學位論文


Short-term Dynamics of Tree Seedlings in a Subtropical Rain Forest, Fushan,Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝長富


摘 要 為了解森林組成種類在小苗層級的更新狀況,於台灣北部福山地區的亞熱帶雨林中,設立一25公頃永久樣區,並於其中設置87個樣站,每一樣站包含一個種子網及三個小苗區。樣區內之調查項目,包括植物在時間軸上的動態變化、小苗階段的存活情形、種子雨與小苗建立的關係,並藉由對地被層的調查,討論地被層對小苗更新的影響,最後希望能進一步探討各植物小苗在建立時期的策略。 於2002年9月對所有樣區內胸高直徑小於1cm之喬木小苗進行清查,記錄種類並測量生長長度及計數葉片數目,2003年2月複查樣區內苗木之生長情形,並對新增苗加以紀錄,爾後每3個月調查一次,至2004年2月止,共有6次調查紀錄。地被層則分成灌木層及草本藤本層,調查胸高直徑小於1cm的灌木種類及其株數,並估計草本藤本層各種類的覆賓蛂C 調查期間內,共紀錄到5127株之喬木小苗,分屬於19科28屬32種。小苗密度於時間軸上出現巨大的波動,此乃因部分種類在特定時間有大量的小苗產生,以2003年8月時密度最高,達13.08株/m2,為密度最低時期的13倍。每次調查皆有新苗產生,以2003年5月的新苗量增加最多。新苗量較多的種類有大明橘、江某、長葉木薑子、


小苗 福山 地被層 亞熱帶雨林 更新


Abstract For study the regeneration of forest tree species at seedling stage in Fushan Subtropical Rain Forest in northern Taiwan, we set up 87 stations in a 25-ha permanent plot. Each station includes one 0.5m2 seed trap and three 1m2 seedling plots. The purposes of this study are to understand the temporal variation of tree species seedlings, the relationship between seed rain and seedling bank, the influences of understory vegetation on tree species seedlings established, and to probe into the regeneration strategies of the main tree species. There were six seedling censuses from Sep. 2002 to Feb. 2004. A total of 5127 seedlings were found, belonging to 19 families, 28 genera and 32 species. Because of the mass germination of some species in a short period, there is a very large variation of seedling density with time. Numerous newborn seedlings were found in each recensus, especially in May 2003, and composed mainly of Myrsine sequinii, Pleocnemia rufinervis, Litsea acuminata, Glochidion acuminatum, Machilus thunbergii, Machilus zuihoensis and Engelhardtia roxburghiana. The tree species were divided into three groupsbased on the time between their seed fell and seedlings germination: 1. germinating quickly after seed fell, such as Pleocnemia rufinervis; 2. germinating with a short break, about 1 to 2 months, such as Litsea acuminate and Machilus thunbergii; 3. germinating after a dormancy of about half a year, such as Myrsine sequinii and Glochidion acuminatum. The shrub layer vegetation was composed of 1729 shrubs, belonging to 6 families, 9 genera and 14 species. The most numerous species is Blastus cochinchinensis. The grass layer was composed of 91 species, belonging to 64 families and 71 genera. The dominant species include Diplazium dilatatum, Dicranopteris linearis and Elatostema lineolatum. According to TWINSPAN analysis, the grass layer communities in the seedling plots could be divided into four groups, and each was named by the first dominant species and the second dominant species: 1. Dicranopteris linearis - Ardisia chinensis type, distributed over the ridge; 2. Diplazium dilatatum - Dicranopteris linearis type, most widespread; 3. Diplazium dilatatum - Elatostema lineolatum type, distributed along the stream; and 4. Elatostema lineolatum - Diplazium doederleinii type, distributed along the stream, but moister than type 3. According to χ2-test of goodness of fit, the relationship between tree seedlings mortality and understory communities are not obvious. The regeneration strategies of tree species are different from each other. Myrsine sequinii seedlings have a higher survival rate; Schefflera octophylla and Glochidion acuminatum product a lot of seeds to ensure enough seedlings; Machilus thunbergii and Litsea acuminate seedlings can live under a shade canopy for a long time, waiting for the chance to grow upward. Limlia uraiana and Castanopsis carlesii have a few seedlings emerged from seed, their regeneration probably rely on sprouting from basal buds, sprouting maybe their mainly regenerated strategy.


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