  • 學位論文


The Social Organization and Reproductive Strategies of Stray Dogs in Yangmingshan National Park

指導教授 : 周蓮香
共同指導教授 : 林曜松(Yao-Sung Lin)


流浪犬在台灣對民眾及野生動物造成困擾與衝擊。為了蒐集流浪犬的社會結構與生殖生態資料以供管理上之參考並且探討其重回野外後之適應能力,本研究以陽明山國家公園龍鳳谷中流浪犬為對象,自1999年7月至2000年11月進行野外觀察,每月完成3個24小時觀察日週期。每小時沿固定步道巡察約7.5公頃之樣區,以觀察及錄影方式紀錄流浪犬之行為。17個月研究期間共辨識出157隻流浪犬,族群密度月平均為每公頃9.9±0.26隻(±S.E.)。共發現5個長期且具領域性的Packs,但成員彼此間不一定具有親緣關係。少數未形成Packs犬隻以結盟或孤犬形式存在,但無領域性。各Pack之成員數月平均從7隻至20隻不等。成員包括核心成員與短期留存的雌雄犬隻,以及雌犬所產子代。Pack內會形成性別參雜之線性優勢階級,最高位階者為一隻α-male,且階級關係可持續17個月以上。各Pack之活動範圍月平均從0.33至1.63公頃不等,且Packs 間具顯著差異;然而核心區域面積在0.13至0.17公頃之間,Packs 間未有顯著差異。雌犬平均8.2±0.21個月發情1次(n=20),無特定之發情季且無同時發情。Pack內可有多隻雌犬懷孕產仔,Packs間可以相互交配。其交配制度採雜交制,發情雌犬四處游走,會超出該Pack活動範圍,並吸引Pack內外雄犬加入發情群,雌雄犬間無固定配偶。幼犬出生時所使用的生殖洞穴為期3至5個月,之後會與其他Pack成員一同休息。幼犬於1月齡時已接觸過85%以上的Pack成員,至3個月齡後則接觸過所有成員。每窩平均3.1±0.33隻幼犬(n=25),留存至4個月齡者有57.1%,能留存至12月齡以上者僅有20.4%。Juveniles以及成犬會有播遷現象。


Stray dogs have caused disturbance on people and wildlife in Taiwan. In order to collect the basic information on the social organization and reproductive ecology for management as well as for the information on the adaptation from domesticated animals back to the nature, stray dogs were observed at Lungfengku in Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan. From July 1999 to November 2000, I surveyed stray dogs along a routine route within a 7.5 ha study area, and observed or video taped their behaviors. This route was surveyed once per hour and three 24-hr cycles were executed each month. In total, 157 stray dogs have been identified and the mean population density each month was9.9±0.26 (S.E.) dogs/ha. Five packs were identified and pack members may not share common kinship. Besides, two dogs formed a coalition, and some lone dogs did not have territory. The monthly averages of the number of dogs in each pack ranged from 7 to 20 dogs. Packs were composed by core members with their offspring and short-term members. A liner hierarchy with mixed gender was formed in each pack, and an


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