  • 學位論文

美國線上旅遊產業的經營模式與競爭策略探討 -以線上旅遊網站Travelocity為例

The Business Model and Competitive Strategy of American Online Travel Industry - A Case Study of Travelocity

指導教授 : 陳思寬
共同指導教授 : 江迥聰


論文摘要 本論文研究之目的在於了解線上旅遊產業的競爭與發展。站在線上旅遊網站的角度,觀察所有在線上旅遊產業中的成員之互動情況,進而可找出關鍵策略的檢查清單。 第二章文獻探討的2個核心是產業分析與企業經營模式。在產業分析中將以五力分析搭配價值網模型,以期能辨認所有的線上參與者,及更重要的,他們彼此間的議價力強弱與互補競爭的關係。企業經營模式中則是先求了解經營模式的基本定義,接著是四位學者們的著作中關於經營模式的理論建構。本論文在第三章及第四章中將嘗試以文獻探討中的架構去分析及拆解線上旅遊產業及線上旅遊網站的經營模式與競爭策略。第三章主要是線上旅遊產業的認識,開頭將先介紹傳統旅遊產業的一些特質,接著將網際網路帶來的影響加入。在辨認產業中的參與者時,將先以價值網的架構暫時區分,分別為供應商(航空業者、GDS業者、旅館業者、郵輪業者、租車業者)、顧客(休閒型顧客及商務型顧客)、競爭者(旅遊供應商的網站、旅遊搜尋網站、入口網站及傳統旅行社業者)、互補者(如地圖業者及旅遊資訊提供者)。第四章則是以Travelocity這家美國的線上旅遊網站為例,詳細了解這家線上旅遊網站的產品及服務、營運活動、直接競爭者、績效表現,並在最後給予若干建議。第五章則是將未來可能的方向作一討論,像是線上商務旅遊、行動商務的應用、動態套裝行程技術與跨國活動的進行。第六章則是研究結論與建議,將提出若干看法,與根據個案中所得到的資訊提供策略建議。 研究結論如下: (A)產業方面: (1)產業整合:為因應持續的競爭壓力,線上旅遊網站將會開始形成集團式的經營型態,甚至是與GDS業者合作,以抵抗旅遊供應商所帶來的巨大競爭壓力。 (2)線上旅遊消費的持續成長:這裡指的是歐洲及亞洲。特別是歐洲,可以看的出即將和美國於1998年後的線上旅遊業一般,將會以快速的方式成長,雖然目前滲透率仍是相當的低。 (3)新興勢力的浮現:旅遊搜尋引擎業者的出現,讓所有的線上旅遊網站莫不嚴陣以待,有些線上旅遊網站(尤其是較不知名的)積極加入,有些則是抱持著「不自由毋寧死」的抗戰心態。但是,這確實是讓線上旅遊產業將會有一番新的競爭生態形成。 (B)線上旅遊網站策略建議: (1) 關鍵成功因素:根據個案研究,可歸納出4點:品牌領導地位、消費者的信賴感、快速擴充基礎設施、定期增加服務的完整度。 (2)動態套裝行程的使用:預期消費者或是線上旅遊網站將會增加動態套裝行程的使用。這個技術具有專利性質,所以應會讓產業中競爭的情況緩和一些。 (3) 策略聯盟:主要的焦點是和入口網站及旅遊供應商的聯盟關係。入口網站因為可以接觸到許多的潛在消費者,所以極具戰略價值。而旅遊供應商業者在景氣轉佳的環境中將會控制供應給線上旅遊網站的存貨數量,因此產生強大的議價力,線上旅遊網站需要爭取與旅遊供應商業者的合作,以確保產品的種類與數量。 (4) 跨國策略:主要是進入方式與時間點的選擇。進入方式可參考當地的旅遊消費型態與該線上旅遊網站原本的所在地之差異情況,差異大則採取購併進入。時間點則是考慮是否有先佔優勢的可能性。 (5) 使用者介面:單一的旅遊產品,例如機票或是旅館房間等,介面宜採用讓消費者找的到但又不至於過於容易的方式,以增加消費者到處搜尋最低價的成本。套裝行程的介面則是要力求簡單,因為套裝行程在各網站間本來就存有差異性。 (6) 旅遊資訊的提供:可以透過和第三方聯盟的方式提供,或是由數家線上旅遊網站聯手成立一個專門的旅遊資訊提供網站。 (7) 行銷策略:實體世界的廣告活動是相當重要的一環,強而有力的CRM系統更是不可或缺的活動。值得注意的是顧客忠誠方案的使用,效果有限又帶來高成本,不是本研究所建議採行的策略。


Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the competition and development of the On-line travel industry. Standing in the view of online travel agencies, we will observe participants of on-line travel industry and watch how they compete and cooperate with each other. Then we can find out checking list of key tactics. Chapter two has two mainly cores:industry analysis and business models. For analysis in the industry, we will use the five forces model to match the value net model, trying to recognize all on-line participants of on-line travel industry, and more important, their bargaining power and complementary or competitive relationship between each other. We will first introduce the basic definitions business models, then, the types of business models and theoretical structure from four scholars’ theories are explored. In chapter three and chapter four we will try to analysis and disassemble the type of business models and competitive strategies of on-line travel industry and on-line travel agencies. In Chapter three, we will mainly let readers understand what the on-line travel industry is. Initially, introduction of some characteristic of the traditional travel industry are presented, then comes the influences that the internet network brings. While recognizing the participants in the industry, we will distinguish temporarily with the structure of the value net:supplier (Airlines, GDS, Hotels , Cruises and Car-rentals), customer (leisure customer and business customer), competitor (the travel supplier's websites, travel search engine website, portal website and traditional travel agencies) , complementor (such as the on-line map technology providers and travel information providers). In chapter four, we will take Travelocity.com as a case. We try to explore in detail that the products and services, operation activity, direct competitors, performance of each on-line travel agency etc. Several suggestions are also proposed at the end. Chapter five discusses the possible direction of future, as if application of on-line business tour, applications of mobile commerce, dynamic packaging technology and international activities. Chapter six is research conclusion and suggestion, we will put several forward views and offer some strategies according to the information received in the case. Conclusions of this study are as follows: (A)Industry: (1)Industrial Consolidation:With the increasing competition pressure, on-line travel agencies will begin to form several groups. Even more, it will cooperate with GDS companies in order to resist the enormous competition pressure that suppliers bring. (2)The Continuous Growing Up of On-Line Tourism Consumption:Here means Europe and Asia, especially Europe. It will grow rapidly, same as the situation of USA’s on-line travel industry after 1998, though penetration rate is still low at present. (3)The New Rising Forces:The appearance of the travel search engine let all on-line travel agencies prepare for any eventuality, some on-line agencies join actively (especially unknown agencies), some are resistant to travel search engine’s appearance. However, this really creates new competition ecology for on-line travel industry. (B)The on-line travel agencies' strategies are proposed: (1) Key Factors of Success:According to the case study, we sum up 4 points: The leading position of the brand, consumers' trust relations, rapid expanding the infrastructure, increasing fullness degree of servcie regularly. (2)Use of Dynamic packaging technology:It is expected that consumers or on-line travel agencies will increase the usage of dynamic packaging technology. This technology has patent nature, as a result, moderating the competition in the on-line travel industry. (3)Strategic Alliance:The focus is on the portal websites and the travel supplier's alliance relation. Since portal websites can touch a lot of potential consumers, there is much strategic value involved. In the prosperous environment, supplies will control on-line quantity of stock which is to be offered to on-line travel agencies. So suppliers will have strong bargaining power. On-line travel agencies need to strive for getting alliance with important suppliers, so as to ensure the kind and quantity of the travel products. (4)International Entry Strategies:We focus mainly on the decision of the way of entry and time. For the way of entry, references can be taken by comparing the local tourism consumption behaviors with those of the original place where the on-line travel agency comes from. If the area to be developed has great difference with the original country, acquisition and merger can be considered. For consideration of entry time, whether first mover advantage exits would be the main point. (5)User's interface:For single traveling products, for example, air tickets or hotel rooms, we suggest that the difficulty of the selling interface should regulated so that it would neither be too easy or too hard for consumers, this can increase the cost that consumers searched the bottom price everywhere. However, packaging traveling products should be made simple because they are supposed to have differences in every website. (6)Offering of traveling information: on-line travel agencies can offer traveling information through third party alliance, or joint several on-line travel agencies to form new company to offer travel information. (7)Marketing Strategy:The traditional advertising activity is a quite important one. The powerful CRM is the indispensable system for on-line travel agencies. The use of customer loyalty program is a strategy which worth concerning. According to our case study of Travelocity.com, we also suggest to avoid adopting activities which involve high cost but limited efficiency.


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